xi . play pretend

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chapter eleven

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   RUBY AWAITED the first Quidditch match of the year with mixed feelings. It wasn't that she was much into the game — or sports at all. But even a potatoe bag like Ruby couldn't avoid to catch Cedric Diggory's contagious vibes whenever he was talking about strategies.

   With the lack of his enthusiasm, Ruby tried to find a spark to enlighten at least a tiny flame of anticipation to see Fred and George flying, or just to watch Ron's first match as Gryffindor's new Keeper. The whole castle seemed excited for the upcoming match as the first days of November brought frosty fog and heavy rain to Scotland.

   Everyone but Ruby.

   With Cedric being gone, with this  tension still hanging between her and Fred, she couldn't really bring herself to look forward to it. Additionally to this, Ruby had a strange feeling that Professor Umbridge wasn't done with maltreating the Gryffindor Quidditch team yet. It had taken several days to allow them to play again after all clubs and teams in Hogwarts had been terminated, and the ugly sensation in her guts was telling Ruby that Umbridge knew about it; knew about the small group of students being ready to stand up for themselves and take the fight against the regime. Somehow, the pink toad knew it was Harry. And she would find a way to punish him in other ways.

   Days passed, the match was to be fought, and after defeated Slytherins left the pitch with way too good mood, Ruby watched George and Harry follow a fuming Professor McGonagall up to the castle, before she could bring herself to look at Fred.

   He was still circled by the three Gryffindor Chasers, still his eyes were burning with rage, as they followed Draco Malfoy's bleach blonde head vanish in the crowd. Angelina was talking fiercely at him, her hand still on his arm, ready to hold him back just once more if she had to.

   "Don't you want to go over?", asked Leilani, her eyebrow cocked, as she looked at Ruby. 

   The blonde Hufflepuff just shrugged. "Seems like Angelina has him under control", she said. "And I don't want to give Jasmine any reason to think that there's anything going on between Fred and I."

   "Oh c'mon Ruby, this is ridiculous", Leilani groaned. "How long do you plan to go on like that? I can see how much this is hurting you."

   "I trust him."

   "Do you?", said Leilani, lifting her eyebrow even higher. "Because if my boyfriend would have forgotten to tell his ex fling that he's still with me, I wouldn't put that much trust into his loyality, you know?" When Ruby didn't reply, Leilani added, "See, it's — it's still Fred Weasley. He's quite a history and don't get me wrong, I really think he has some sort of feelings for you. But as much of a experience he has to get a girl under his sheets, as much he lacks of real relationship experience. You might ... have to tell him that you're not okay with his flirty ass."

   Ruby shook her head. "I am okay with all of this, because it is necessary to keep my secret safe."

   "But aren't you afraid that he could slip?", asked Leilani. "Say, did you ever have sex again after that little incident in the boat house?" Ruby again shook her head. "That's a year ago! He's a boy with lot of hormones and stuff ..."

   "I trust him", Ruby again said, as right in this moment she Fred making his way out of the arena with Angelina, Alicia and Katie. "He won't do anything like that."

   Because in the end, — and Ruby was begging and pleading that she wasn't wrong — in the end, Fred would always choose Ruby. Every time.


   GEORGE AND Harry had received a life long Quidditch ban from Umbridge. Their broom has been confiscated. To everyone's surprise, Fred had to share their punishment, even if his fist had ever come close to Malfoy's face. After Ruby found out what exactly had caused the situation to escalate like that, it was her own fingers that longed to wrap around Malfoy's pale neck and give it a little snap.

   The mood was the furthest from hitting a peek than ever before. Hogwarts, called a home by so many of the students, became an awful living hell and it seemed that even Dumbledore himself was unabled to change that. Dolores Umbridge rose from just another teacher to someone that muggles would even nowadays consider to burn on a pyre. At least that was what Ruby wanted to do to her.

   So when Ruby left the Room of Requirements after another successful meeting of Dumbledore's Army, a grim satisfaction grew inside her. Finally, she was able to do something. Finally, she was able to fight. And if it was just pretending to get hit by a stunning spell every now and then, so the other members wouldn't find out about her immunity, it was more of the knowledge that she was part of this rebellion, that made her feel more alive than she had felt ever after the events of last June.

   "Fine, next week, same time, same place", Harry announced, before one by one they were sneaking out of the room in small groups.

   Ruby left the place with Leilani, following the three tall backs of Fred, George and Lee, before their paths parted at the main staircase. Fred threw a last glance over his shoulder, as Ruby was about to make her way downstairs. With a wink, that got her cheeks blushing, he had to turn around and head down the corridor back to the Gryffindor common room.

   "Really, that needs to stop", Leilani once again remarked, exactly knowing that inside Ruby's head mind was fighting with matter, and all she wanted to do was falling into Fred's arms again, while all she could do, was turning her back on him and go on acting like he still was the annoying git she once used to know.

   Silently, Ruby was agreeing with Leilani. She needed this to stop so badly! After spending month of last school year keeping their relationship a secret, Ruby had more than enough of all of this. Her hand belonged in Fred's, no matter how many eyes were watching; her arms around his neck, while he had his around her waist, pulling her closer.

   But a prickling sensation on her left arm's skin reminded her of why all of this wasn't possible. And at this point, Ruby started to wonder, if it wasn't safer for Fred to not just pretend they weren't in love ...

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you are so down to earth
& I'm up in the stars ...

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