xxxviii . revealed

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chapter thirty eight

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   "WE ARE a long line of purebloods!", Fred exclaimed, watching Ruby's forehead wrinkling, and his triumphant smile dropped. "Oh yes, that probably would be kinda disgusting, I see."

   "Kind of?", Ruby snorted, rolling her eyes.

   "Well, chances are high that we're at some point related, when your mother was a pureblood", said Fred, shrugging. "All the purebloods are somehow. Did you know that Sirius Black is somewhat like a far, far related uncle to me?"

   "Tell me more, and I will never let your lips come even close to mine ever again ..."

   "Okay, okay." Raising his hand in defense, Fred flipped a page of the book in front of him. "So we have the Crouches — I'm sure I'm not related to this brownnoser."

   The library around them emptied, as they were turning page after page, but of course it didn't lead to anything. Ruby didn't even know what she had expected. Finding her mother's name in bold letters written in the headline? Rather unlikely.

   "Ew, the Malfoys ...", Ruby muttered, drawing a grimace, before she clapped the book shut. "Okay, that's enough for today, I haven't found out anything but am already traumatised."

   "Don't know what you mean. Who wouldn't want to be related with ... Oh, look, the Lestranges!" Fred pointed on the last name on the page of his own book, before he closed it as well. "Would give you a bad touch. I think I'm slightly turned on now."

   "Disgusting", stated Ruby. "You are disgusting."

   Fred replied to this statement with a crooked smirk, then got up and stretched out his hand for her to take it.

   "You seem a bit tensed", he remarked. "Get up, I know something to get you relaxed."

   "I will not sleep with you in the library."

   Fred laughed, shaking his head. "C'mon now, you will love it!"

   Having legit doubts, considering that she was faced with Fred Weasley, she took his hand and let him pull her up.

   "How do you even know the password?", Ruby laughed ten minutes later, when they entered the prefects' bathroom on second floor, but not waiting for an answer. "And what on earth are you up to do here?"

   "Stuff", he plainly replied.


   "Well, there's a pool right in front of us."

   "You don't want me to go in there, do you?", Ruby laughed, throwing her head back. But the look Fred wore upon his face made an answer unnecessary. It didn't seem like a no was an option. "What if someone will come in?"

   "I locked the door." He shrugged and kicked his shoes aside, his robe fell to the ground. "And I must admit I'm a bit tired of just snogging in the darkest corners of this castle." He pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor, before he took a step forward, tucking on Ruby's robe. "It's a bit of a torture, you know? Having you only for about five minutes every now and then. So", he slid the cloth down her shoulders, "what about hiding in here for a couple of hours? We could — I don't know — have a nice time in here?"

   "You won't accept a no, huh?", Ruby chuckled, placing her lips on his for a brief moment, before she pulled away. "Okay, fine." She took a step back. "Turn around, Weasley."

   Fred blinked, before he bursted out with laughter. "Really, Perks? After all our hot nights together you still — ?"

   "It were two", Ruby snorted. "And I was fully drunk both times, and as long as I don't remember getting undressed in front of you, it didn't happen."

   "Isn't this a beautiful night for the first time?", Fred sniggered, and she nudged his shoulder.

   "Turn. Around."

   Fred rolled his eyes and reluctantly did what she told him. This was Ruby. Innocent little Ruby. And it was one of a million reasons why he adored her. Behind his back he heard the ruffling noises of her clothes, and he forced his muscles to remain still, while everything his mind begged him for was a little glimpse. But he didn't move the tiniest, not even when he heard her foots softly touching the ground with every step she took, not when he listened to the splashing of water when she entered the pool-like bathtub. Fred Weasley remained still, and it burnt his insides.

   "Okay, you can —" Fred didn't even give her the chance to finish the sentence, he twirled around like a little kid who had patiently waited for a surprise. "— turn around." Ruby smirked, her body hidden under the surface of the water that was covered in bubbles.

   Fred almost stumbled as he tried to get rid of his clothes, keeping only his boxers on as he jumped into the pool, water splattering in every direction. As his head dived out of the water, he found Ruby with a face as red as a Quaffle.

   "What's up?", he asked, coming closer, but she stepped backwards.

   "Erm — n—nothing", she stammered. "You — uhm — I didn't know we were supposed to keep our underwear on ..." Nervously she tucked her hair behind her ear.

   Fred chuckled, but the grin froze on his face when his eyes landed on Ruby's arm. Last time he'd seen this was half a year ago, and it more than shocked him that it was still there. How could he not have noticed this all the time? But having a closer look he knew why; a thick layer of make-up, or whatever it was, was slowly washed from her skin, and the black lines underneath grew clearer.

   "Ruby ..."

   His lips parted, as the realisation dropped into his brain like poison. The bruise wasn't a formless smudge anymore. It wasn't even a bruise any longer, probably had never been such. It had grown clear outlines, had been taken a prominent shape, and even though it still was vaguely blurred, there was no doubt what this thing was.

   Under the skin of Ruby's left arm pastered the Dark Mark.

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you are so down to earth
& I'm up in the stars ...

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