xvi . mad-eye moody

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chapter sixteen

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   ALASTOR "MAD-EYE" MOODY wore his name like a trophy — and not one to be proud of. He definitely was one of a kind, and after a possessed teacher, a useless popinjay and a werewolf, all Ruby could tell about Moody's teaching methods was that for sure they were ... different.

   Wondering if this was even legal, Ruby watched her classmates do the funniest things: Lee Jordan backflipping down his own desk, Leilani singing a whole Celestina Warbeck song, Marcus Flint trying to dance ballet, and finally Fred walking through the whole classroom — on his hands!

   As it was Ruby's turn to face the Imperius curse, she stepped in front of the class with wobbly knees. Practical lessons had been a rare thing during her last five years of magical education, unless leading counter spells from Professor Lupin, which she had managed with ease. Unfortunately, there was no counter spell for any of the three unforgivable curses, only a strong mind could save you from the control of the Imperius Curse. Ruby didn't know if she could do it. But at least, she wasn't alone with that. So hoping Moody wouldn't make her do  something too embarrassing, she caught a last glimpse of Cedric's encouraging smile, though it didn't really help her releasing the tense having a tight grip on every muscle of her body.

   Moody didn't say a word, as he raised his wand in a slow motion, then growled, "Ready, Miss Perks?"

   Ruby was definitely not ready, but she knew he didn't really expect her to say anything but yes, and she wouldn't have dared to shake her head. The only thing that would be able to save her now, was the school bell's ring that didn't come. So Ruby nodded.

   "Imperio!", Moody thundered, and Ruby flinched by the sound of his voice.

   There was no flash of light, no noise, just a soft wind brushing her face.

   She didn't know what she had expected to happen, but nothing for sure was none of the scenarios she had imagined. She didn't feel any difgerent; still nervous, still shivering, she stared at Moody, waiting for something to happen.

   "Bark", Moody commanded, and Ruby had to surpress a snorted laughter, as she stared back at her teacher with her lips twitching.

   "Excuse me?", she said with a tiny giggle swinging with her words.

   Moody tilted his head. "I told you to bark!", he repeated, and the eyebrow over his normal eye shot up.

   "I heard you", Ruby replied with a shrug. "But I'd rather not, thank you."

   "Imperio!" Without a warning, Moody's voice thundered once more through the classroom, and for a second time, Ruby felt that soft breeze on her face — and again, nothing happened.

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