xxxiv . how to escape death

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chapter thirty four

chapter thirty fourHOW TO ESCAPE DEATH

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· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

   "YOU AND Fred, huh?", Ron asked, and Ruby looked up from her book, staring into the wide grinning face of the youngest Weasley brother. "Your father will kill him."

   "First", Ruby said, crossing her arms, "there is no me and Fred. Second my father doesn't need to know."

   "If there is no you and Fred, what is it Benjamin doesn't need to know?", Ron snickered, sitting down across from Ruby. "Oh, Mum will be so obnoxious. She'll go and plan the wedding the second she'll find out."

   "How did you even find out?", Ruby dryly asked, cocking an eyebrow.

   "Fred." He snorted, rolling his eyes. "He won't shut up about this for days now. Leaves him even more annoying than he usually is. Have you thought this through?"

   "Oh Ronnykins, believe me that this was nothing I begged for", Ruby laughed. "I wanted this calm and peaceful life, you know?"

   Ron smirked. "Then you fucked up pretty much. But don't get used to Fred, I am sure that even if your father will not kill him, Bill or Charlie for sure do. They won't let Fred touch our little daisy."

   "What do I have to pay you to keep your mouth shut?"

   "Oh, it's not me you have to care about." The smirk on his face grew wider. "It's a little girl who's euphoric over the top about her new sister in law."

   "Ginny ..." Ruby pressed the back of her hands against her eyes, thinking about a way out of everything that would lead to Fred's sudden death. So she said, "Okay. Fine. If your brother will fuck up this date — and let's be honest, we both know he will — there's nothing anyone of us will ever have to worry about, right? Now excuse me, Ronald, I need to find Cedric to help him with the golden egg. I'm sure Harry won't be ungrateful about a little help from you as well."

   Telling Ron goodbye, Ruby didn't even think about finding Cedric. She walked out of the library, heading downstairs. She found Fred, George and Lee in the corridor that lead to the courtyard, the three of them having their heads stuck together, leaned over a piece of parchment George was holding in his hands.

   "Excuse me", Ruby hissed, and without looking at the three boys, she snatched Fred's collar between her fingers, pulling him with her.

   "Ouch, what the hell — Ruby?", Fred complaint, while the sound of his brother's and Lee's amused snickering behind their backs became quieter with every step Ruby left them further behind. She bowed around the corner, letting go of Fred's ear just to nudge him hard against his shoulder.

   "What do you think you're doing?", Ruby hissed, pressing her indexfinger harshly against his thorax.

   "Well, I was reading a really unpleasant letter, before this beautiful fury here tried to tear my neck off", Fred chuckled, snatching Ruby's finger with his hand. "So what's up? Couldn't wait until tomorrow? You know we still could find us a quiet place and —"

   "Frederick Gideon Weasley!", she snapped. "You can't just walk through this castle telling everyone were dating! Especially not your siblings! This is something I have to tell my father in a slow and most cautious way possible. I mean he ... He will probably try to kill you."

   "Oh c'mon, Ruby, it can't be that bad", Fred snorted. "Your dad likes me."

   "Of course he does. As his best friend's son! But I guarantee you, he will totally and utterly hate you as his daughter's boyfriend." Ruby took a deep breath. "You know my father. See, last summer I tried everything to persuade him to let me spend the summer with Cedric or Leilani. He didn't let me. He's the one not accepting I'm of age now according to the wizarding law. I'm his little girl, and he'll break your bones. ... If your lucky he'll only break your bones."

   Fred's nose crinkled. "So what do you suggest? You don't want this because of your father? Ruby, I —"

   "No, no — don't get me wrong", Ruby cut him off. "I want this. I just don't want Dad to find out from anyone but myself. This really aren't news to just blow up to him."

   "Okay, I get it, but you should have told me a bit earlier. I don't own enough money to make all of my siblings keep their mouths shut."

   "They just know about the date, do they?"

   "Is there anything more they need to know about?" He chuckled nervously, running his fingers through his flaming red hair.

   "No, of course not", Ruby quickly replied, flushing pink by the thought of the night in the boathouse, that seemed so long ago. "What I mean is that nobody would be surprised, if you mess this date up —"

   "Hey!", Fred chimed in, playfully pouting.

   "No really, this is perfect!", Ruby fiercely explained. "Even if you won't fuck it up, we can tell them you did. We'll go back to normal, we'll act like we're back on ignoring each other, we'll have our little fights, and we'll keep this — this we thing a secret."

   "Is there a we thing?", Fred asked, wriggling his eyebrows, as he stepped closer, placing his hands on Ruby's waist to press her against his body.

   Her cheeks burning, Ruby softly ran her fingers over his shoulders.

   "Do you have the feeling, you already won me?", she chuckled, and he leaned in, so the tips of their noses touched.

   "Kind of", he replied in a husky voice. "I can touch you without being slapped."

   "Even though that might be something you haven't experienced a lot with girls", Ruby said, and her eyes closed as she smirked. "But no. No, this for sure isn't a sign of winning, Fred."

   His warm hands left her hips, wandering over the small of her back. Fred pressed her against his chest.

   "So why's your heart beating like The Weird Sisters' drummer?" His breath tingled her lips. 

   Ruby's eyes opened, just small slits. She stood herself on tiptoes, closing the gap between their lips almost completely. There wasn't even room for a sheet of paper between them.

   "Oh Fred", she moaned. Then with all force she could afford, she pushed him back, shoving him once more against the wall, a smirk plastered on her face. "Dream on."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

you are so down to earth
& I'm up in the stars ...

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