xxviii . greenhouse number five

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chapter twenty eight

chapter twenty eightGREENHOUSE NUMBER FIVE

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   THE NIGHT was fucked up, and it didn't need Ruby's eyes swimming in tears, to make Fred realise that probably it had taken more than spiced pumpkin juice to save this disastrous ball.

   The music should have stopped at that moment when Terrence Higgs laid his lips on Ruby's. At least it could have had the decency to drop a weird beat, just to know the band was as shocked as Fred was; that the world was as shocked by this scene.

   But the music didn't stop, and the world remained turning at the same pace, while Fred wished it would just stop and rewind, forcing the time to take a huge step back, so he would get the second chance he needed right now more than ever.

   Unfortunately, the only thing stopping in this moment, was Fred himself, and that much to Jasmine Parkinson's dislike.

   "What's wrong?", she asked, watching him out of her dark, vicious eyes. "Can we go on dancing or what?"

   Blinking, he forced himself to look at her, while Ruby was heading out of the Great Hall.

   "No", said Fred, his hands removing from her waist. "No, we can't. I'm sorry, Parkinson, but I need to go."

   Ignoring her not so peaceful protests, Fred pushed himself through the dancing crowd, but when he reached the Entrance Hall, he didn't find Ruby, but all the misery this night had left on so many love drunken souls. Girls were crying, sitting on the large marble stairs, being supported by their friends. Faintly he recognised Ron bickering with Hermione at the bottom of the stairs, but he had no time for that. His eyes instead fell on Lee Jordan, arguing with Alicia Spinnet.

   "Oi, Lee!", Fred yelled across the hall. Lee and Alicia's heads snapped around, their faces angry masks. "Have you seen Ruby?"

   "Perks?", Lee replied, doing a very strange movement, half a shrug, half a nod. "She's left the castle like two minutes ago. Didn't look that happy, though."

   "Maybe her date is a prick as well", snapped Alicia, and gone was Lee's attention on Fred, as he rolled his eyes and their fight moved to round two.

   Fred pushed the oak portal open and cold air hit his heatened up face like a sharp knife. Snow was falling softly, and he stepped outside, the door closing behind him, as he found himself wrapped in silence.

   "Couldn't you have just returned to your dorm like normal people would have done?", he muttered to a Ruby that wasn't there, as he found her footsteps still fresh in the layer of snow. "No, Ruby Rose Perks must freeze herself to death. How dramatic ..."

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