xvii . the goblet of fire

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chapter seventeen

chapter seventeenTHE GOBLET OF FIRE

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   FRED WEASLEY was a mystery. Saving her life the one day, but refusing to even look at her the other, was nothing she should have to bother about. She already had like ninetynine reasons to freak out about, and a bloody ginger with mood swings shouldn't be one of it. There was this immunity thing she had to keep a secret, still unsure if keeping it a secret did also mean to not be allowed to tell Cedric and Leilani, both nosy and eager to find out what has happened after this ominous Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson at the start of the term.

   Lying wasn't one of Ruby's strengths, so of course her best friends didn't believe her when she told them the Imperius Curse just malfunctioned on her, and they became even more suspicious, when Moody never tried to hex her again.

   As the days grew colder, one of Ruby's problems finally solved itself. Though the bruise was still there on her arm, she at least did no longer need to hide under thick layers of Leilanis magical make-up, but now just pulled down the sleeves of cozy oversized sweaters. Nevertheless, every night after a hot shower, Ruby watched the bruise with worries, as instead of fading on her pale skin, it seemed to darken more and more, having her considering to go and visit Madame Pomfrey.

   But as it didn't hurt or itch or do anything at all, she threw that thought aside and focused — just like everyone else — on the upcoming event: The Triwizard Tournament.

   With the first autumn storms by the end of October, the delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived and the choosing of the three champions was just around the corner. Ruby had watched Cedric throwing his name into the Goblet of Fire with mixed feelings, then later that day, Terrence also got his name being swallowed by blue flames, throwing Ruby a smile as he did, before leaving the hall with Jasmine Parkinson, who obviously didn't miss that short moment of sympathy between the snake and the badger.

   Before she could throw herself on Ruby and scratch out the latter's eyes with her long black painted nails, the hall was suddenly filled with laughter and cheers, as Fred and George entered the wide room, a triumphant grin on each their faces, and that usual glint of mischief burning in their chocolate brown eyes.

   "That will be interesting", Leilani snorted, crossing her arms, as she watched the twins with curiosity.

   They rushed through the hall, clapping the hands of those surrounding the goblet, and Ruby found herself grinning as she watched them, shaking her head in amusement.

   "That won't end up well", she remarked in a whisper at Leilani and Cedric, watching Fred and George pulling a flask out of their robes and pouring the contents down their throats.

   The whole hall watched in awe how Fred and George crossed Dumbledore's spell with no complications, and for a second, Ruby's grin froze. She knew that Mrs. Weasley wouldn't like that. Indeed, the twins' mother would probably suffer a heart attack when she'd find out that one of her sons would have to participate in this life threatening tournament, risking their necks for stupid things like money and glory.

   But it weren't just Mrs. Weasley's worries. To her surprise, Ruby found herself not being comfortable with that dangerous imagination either. Letting her eyes travel through the Great Hall, she watched Ron and Ginny cheering and applauding at their brothers, so why couldn't Ruby feel the same enthusiasm?

   Shocked screams and yells kicked her out of her thoughts; blue flames shot in rays out of the goblet, hitting Fred and George straight in the chest and swooping them off their feet. Landing on their butts, both the twins watched each other with widened eyes, as their flaming red hair turned snow white and beards as equal bright coloured broke out of their faces, growing in rapid speed. There was a silence hanging over the whole hall, and Ruby had clasped her hands over her mouth, as she watched the twins flustered expressions, until she couldn't hold back any longer.

   The laughter exploding from her lips didn't remain alone for long, and soon a chore of giggles and guffaws filled the room, echoing from the walls, until even Fred and George joined them, while their beards grew and grew.

   "This was even better than Ferret Malfoy!", Leilani announced half an hour later on their way back to the common room to get ready for the feast and, most importantly, the choosing ceremony of the three Triwizard Champions. "Why doesn't anyone of us have a camera?! We let all those precious moment pass us by without catching it on a photograph. Has anyone seen Colin Creevy around? I'll pay him five Galleons for a picture of this!"

   "I can ask Ginny, if you insist", Ruby chuckled. "But I won't set my hopes up too high. If there's a picture existing, Ginny will definitely keep it to blackmail Fred and George for the rest of their mother's hopefully long life."

   At eight o'clock, when Ruby entered the Great Hall with Cedric and Leilani, the lights were dimmed and an eerie mood lay over the crowded room. Hundreds of faces ghostly enlightened by those flickering blue flames of the Goblet of Fire were staring at said object in eager anticipation. Ruby's eyes flickered over all those students she knew had given their name into those flames. Angelina Johnson, staring hypnotised at the goblet. Marcus Flint, with tensed shoulders and a clenched jaw. Roger Davies, smiling nervously as the guy next to him whispered probably encouraging words. Terrence Higgs, a stoic expression on his handsome face. And finally Cedric, who caught her glimpse, her eyes full of sorrow, and he reached out for her hand, giving it a squeeze, not letting go of it, until his name has been spat out by those ghostlike blue flames, and he had to leave the hall under thunderous applause that Ruby only half-heartedly managed to join.

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& I'm up in the stars ...

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