xiii . two is better than one

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chapter thirteen

chapter thirteenTWO IS BETTER THAN ONE

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   LAST YEAR'S final party definitely should have taught Ruby Rose Perks better than to ever set a toe on any event containing alcohol ever again.

   Obviously, it didn't.

   Turning in front of the mirror, Ruby wondered if this was what growing up was about: trying to look as good as possible, but only ending up detecting flaw after flaw while your own reflection seemed to mock you.

   She passed muster with herself that she might be too skinny in those wide loons, almost seeming to vanish in them, while her top was too tight fitting, only drawing attention to the fact that her boobs were much smaller than Leilanis, wondering if there was something wrong with her own body for lacking to go to puberty as fine as their classmates did.

   Jasmine Parkinson, for example, might have had this poor shitty character, but her body was fine, and as later that night Ruby spotted her on the dancefloor, she caught herself getting hit by stings of jealousy watching the Slytherin queen moving perfectly to the beat.

   Her eyes wandered over the dancefloor, scruntinising girl after girl and comparing all their perfections to her own insecurities.

   "Looking good tonight, Perks."

   "Liar", Ruby snorted at Fred Weasleys remarked, who had appeared next to her out of nothingness.

   "If you say so", he replied with a shrug. "So another party, huh?", he then asked, and as she looked up at him, he was already smiling down upon her. "I wouldn't have bet on it, to be honest, but I'm glad that you're here. C'mon, I want to show you something!"

   He grabbed her hand, but she quickly pulled it back. "Why on earth should I come with you? Though I don't remember much of the last time I followed your advice, I'm pretty sure I don't want anything like that to happen to me again."

   "Sweet cinnamon roll you are, huh?", he sniggered. "But believe me, I'm not here to give you Firewhiskey. At least it was me having to wear your ugly shirt half of the summer and almost die from heat stroke after what you have done to me!"

   She begged for the night to hide her blush, blinking at Frederick Weasley's handsome face.

   "Don't waste your time on me, Weasley", she said. "Pitying me doesn't lead to good things. The last party should have taught you this."

   "But I already told you I don't regret it." Shrugging, once more he stretched out his hand for her to take it. "Coming with me will contain less drunken people, a more quiet place and definitely no Firewhiskey!"

   She tilted her head, trying to read his face, but she didn't get a clue of what he was up to.

   "No Firewhiskey?", she repeated after him, pursing her lips.

   "No Firewhiskey, promise!"

   Unlike back then in June, the summer was slowly fading, and halfway down a long staircase that Ruby hadnt used in years, the cool night air was burning in her lungs, trying to keep up with Fred.

   "You're going to kill me, Weasley", she said, panting, and a burning pain stitched her in the sides again and again with every step further down.

   "If you're already out of breath now, imagine you just have to climb all the way up again later", said Fred and she could almost even feel the amusement swinging in his words. Ruby would have laughed to be mad with him, but all her focus was used up for trying not to collapse and spill her lungs onto the staircase.

   "I think I hate you", she muttered, pressing her hands to her sides.

   "Don't blame your poor stamina on me", snorted Fred, as finally they reached the lowest point of the stairs and he stopped, turning around and grinning wildly. "If you'd just take our offers to play Quidditch with us during summer, you wouldn't be as sporty as a cauldron full of Aunt Tessa's slimy pumpkin soup."

   Ruby came to a halt as well, her hands still trying to keep her ribcage whole, pressing against it to keep it from bursting. Taking a look around, she found herself blinking at the Black Lake reflecting a pale moon high above them. The moon, though, she wouldn't see through the wooden rooftop above their heads. Soft waves were brushing agains planks and stakes of the boat house.

   "Romantic, isn't it?", Fred said, winking at Ruby, who couldn't surpress a blush, hoping it would remain unnoticed.

   Indeed it would have been quite romantic ... If she wasn't with Fred Weasley, the walking pain in the ass.

   "And you brought me here for what?", she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

   Fred's smirk grew wider, as he walked over to one of the boats that was covered with a canvas, softly swaying with the waves.

   "I thought about your disturbing relationship to Firewhiskey and came to the conclusion, that maybe you weren't just used to it", he said, having his wand now in his hand. "You're a muggleborn, and so I thought again and I remembered that fine stuff Temperance Clearwater was serving at her birthday party last winter. She said muggles were drinking it all the time and I can't deny that it has a funny taste."

   "I have a bad feeling for where this is leading to ..."

   With a flick of his wand, the canvas moved aside, floating onto the dock. Ruby automatically took a step closer to have a better view on what Fred had just revealed: four lemons, a salt shaker ... and a bloody bottle of Tequila!

   "What in the name of great Helga ... Fred, are you trying to kid me?" Ruby couldn't surpress a laughter. "See, when I said I wouldn't drink Firewhiskey with you, it was kind of me saying I will definitely never drink even a drop of alcohol with you ever again!"

   "Ah, but Ruby, don't put all the blame on the alcohol", he replied, smirking. "See, since we had a couple of shots last time, I'd say our coexistence got a lot more comfortable."

   "Yeah, and I lost my virginity along with my dignity —"

   "So there's nothing left to lose tonight!" He threw her a lemon and she caught it. "Lick, bite, bottoms up!"

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you are so down to earth
& I'm up in the stars ...

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