vii . dresses and undressing

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chapter seven


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   THOUGH RUBY knew it wasn't the best way to cope with her incident with Fred, she chose suppression as the optimal working mechanism for a situation like this, and so she went on pretending that a one night stand with Fred Weasley did never even happen. At least she had nothing but a blurred and fragmented memory about this night, and she wanted it to remain like that.

   To her own surprise, it worked surprisingly fine, as time spent at the Burrow never ceased to distract her from everything bothering her, so even missing her father moved into the background of her consciousness. Now with the World Cup right around the corner and Bill and Charlie, as well as Harry and Hermione soon to join the already crowded home, Ruby's mood couldn't have been better when she awoke the morning of the arrival of the four beloved people.

   Jumping out of bed at eight in the morning, Ruby was surprised to find Ginny already awake, but groaning at the sight of Ruby's grin. The youngest Weasley was still looking sleepy, her eyelids barely opened and long red hair messy.

   "First of all, morning people suck, so spare us the good morning talk", Ginny said, yawning, before she went on, "Second, you must be the only person in the world to really look forward to see my idiot brothers."

   "Don't be such a little pubescent brat, Gin", Ruby snorted, kicking her trunk open, fishing for a pair of shorts and a shirt. "You're also happy they'll be here soon. And I exactly know why you're up this early today."

   "Because your snoring is disturbing", Ginny muttered, but her freckled cheeks had already turned into a slight shade of rose colour.

   "Two words", said Ruby, wriggling her eyebrow, "Harry Potter - ouch!"

   A pillow hit Ruby's head and Ginny, with her face on fire, rolled her eyes.

   "I'm going to have a shower, then I'll help you doing your hair, okay?", said Ruby, winking at the small ginger, who nodded wordlessly in response.

   "Hey Ruby!", Ginny asked, as Ruby had already her hand on the door handle. "Do you think you green dress will finally fit me?"

   Ruby threw a gaze back over her shoulder. Indeed, Ginny had grown during the summer, and first signs of the girl leaving childhood finally behind were visible. Her face, though still young, had lost its childish appearance, her cheekbones had become more prominent, and also her body was showing the first signs of growing up.

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