Best Friends Approval

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-Jeon Jungkook- Third-Person

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-Jeon Jungkook-

"Lisa!" Jungkook said as he sprinted towards her.

"Jeon?" Her face looked clueless.

"Uh um, Jisoo asked me to go to Jennie's house." He said scratching his neck.

"Oh okay, can I come along? I was gonna go there anyway-"

"Sure!" he paused for a second, "I mean, Yeah, sure." he blushed and rubbed his hand.

Lisa laughed and took his arm dragging him towards the Bike, "Get on."

"Huh?" "I said get on, it's faster than any car."

"Okay." He took the helmet and sat behind his girl,

'My girl' he thought smiling.

She started the gear and the motorbike glided fast and Jungkook put his hands around Lisa afraid of falling. He could feel her smirk as she drove even faster making his grip on her waist tighter,

"Lisa quit scaring me."

"Should I go faster?"

"No! I'm not late or anything, there's a speed limit here."

"I'm a bad girl, I don't care."

He leaned forward towards her ear and slowly whispered, "Oh but I'll make sure to punish you if you do."

She slowed down and Jungkook smirked quietly.

She slowed down and Jungkook smirked quietly

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"Who do you think it is?

"I have a feeling it's the president."

"She wouldn't have written a post about herself if it were her, I think it's a council member."

"Yes, but how did they find out about us at Haegeumgang?"

"I know who it is!"


"My sister," Jisoo said.

"How, she barely visits us?"

"I recall telling her about you three visiting Haegeumgang and showed her the picture talking about how Tzuyu looks irritated. She also goes to the Academy every Wednesday, I asked her and she said she has a friend in the sports department, but all her friends are in Performing arts. I caught her looking through the school board and taking notes. It's got to be her."

"Unnie, do you have access to her room?"

"Of course, it's my house."

"Can you bring her laptop tomorrow? You and Yoongi can look through it."


"I'm bored," Jungkook said as he crossed his arms on the couch and rolled into a ball.

"Ah! You come with me."

"No Ma'am, that bike of yours is danger." She glared at him.

"It's completely safe."


Tick Tock, Tick Tock

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Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

The silence was awkward as hell, and he felt as if he was the only one uncomfortable.

Jieun and Tzuyu kept looking at him as if he committed a murder, well he did but it was under orders. Lisa was just eating her fries minding her own business.

It was like that scene in drama's where the girl took her boyfriend to meet her parents, in this case, he was meeting her overprotective sisters.

He pinched Lisas waist and she flinched hitting him,

"So, your Jungkook?" Jieun said as she cut the steak without any mercy.

Jungkook gulped.

"Yes, I'm Jeon Jungkook."

"What's your relationship with Lisa?" Jungkook choked on air not knowing what to answer.

"He's my boyfriend."

"What make's you think you're qualified to be next to Lalisa?"

"I love her." Tzuyu smiled at Lisa and she blushed.

"How much do you love her?"

"My love for her can't be measured, but I can tell you, that she's the only women I love and ever will love."

"Your boyfriends fucking confident, mine cried in front of her," Tzuyu whispered into Lisa's ear and they both started to laugh.

"What do you love about her?" What is she, her father or something?

"I love her smile, I love her bossy attitude, I love her eyes, the easy she doesn't show her emotions. I love how she easily takes all the pain."

Jieun took a small pause to think,

"If you fuck her up or even hurt her even once, beware, Lee Jieun is going to make sure you disappear from this fucking planet."

"I can assure you that will not happen."


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Ik Ik,

The chapters short but I'm lazyyyyy,

Honestly I wasn't planning on updating till like, June, but I didn't wanna make yall cry.

Yuh, this time, I'm making Tzuyu and IU Juancocks enemy.

I'm tired of thse two being the second female lead, my ladies deserve better.

Also, I'm feeding yall liskook asses, thank meh.

Quick thank you to my babygirl pinkswans

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