Chapter Ten: All Along the Watchtower

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Chapter Ten: All Along the Watchtower

"All along the watchtower

Princess kept the view

While all the women came

And went bare-foot servants too

Outside in the cold distance

A wild cat did growl

Two riders were approaching

And the wind began to howl." 

"No, you guys can't do that here," I shook my head rapidly, a horrified tone clinging to my throat.

     "We do what we have to," said Uriel.

     "So, your plan is to smite the whole friggin' town?" Dean scoffed, throwing his arms out in outrage.

     "We're out of time." said Castiel, "This witch has to die, the seal must be saved."

     Sam looked highly let down. I knew these angels were definitely not living up to his expectations. "There are a thousand people here."

     "One thousand two hundred fourteen." Uriel corrected.

     "Not helping yourself." I said dryly, dropping my hands to my sides. Uriel shot me a warning look, but this time I was far too angered to cower. 

     "And you're willing to kill them all?" said Sam, disbelievingly.

     "As Anca said, this isn't the first time I've..." He reached for a more elegant word for 'murder.' "...purified a city."

     "Again, not helping yourself," I fumed. "I didn't say it respectfully."

     "Your insubordinance will be punished if you continue to speak in such an impertinent manner." Uriel said in a booming voice. I didn't flinch, even though there was a slight twinge of fear in my chest.

     "Uriel, that's enough, she means well." Castiel said, almost as if Uriel was a rabid dog and he was pulling him back from attacking me. "Look, I understand this is regrettable."

     "Regrettable?" I asked, my voice straining to stay steady and my eyes stinging.

     "We have to hold the line." Castiel looked truly remorseful. "This is dangerous for you. Too many seals have broken already."

      "This isn't about me!" I said, exasperated. "This is about them. The humans. The ones I was meant to protect."

     "You don't know what your true purposes were." said Uriel acidly.

     A blankness entered my mind, a bad taste in my mouth. I stared at Uriel questioningly. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

     He didn't answer me, and I felt an uneasiness settle in my gut. For so long I'd been told that the reason of my creation was to lead humans, to guide them in ways they were supposed to go for the better of all when the angels could not interfere. I was naive to think something so noble was my only use.

     "I meant what I said," He replied shortly. I stared at him and swallowed thickly, deciding it might be best just to let it slide for now. We were wasting time, and the closer the witch came to freeing Samhain, the less patient the celestials became.

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