Chapter Fourteen: Rocket Queen

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IT'S FINALLY HERE! Hold on for this one. There's a lot going on in this chapter, and it's a long one. So many!!!

I have a concrete idea of what direction I want the story to go in and I'll stay true to that when I write it! Because of this it's a little easier to write. I'm all really excited for you to see the rewrites as well! There will be more clarity and probably more banter bc when I edit I always find myself sticking in things last minute just because. Um so, I'm sure a lot of you have an idea of what the final pairing will be (which btw will start to rise in book 3 ironically) because I've basically already admitted it in the comments lol. I hope you all like how it ends up playing out! I love reading your comments and input, you guys are my biggest inspiration! Enjoy this very chaotic chapter and let me know what you like/want to see more of!

Chapter Fourteen: Rocket Queen
"If I say I don't need anyone
I can say these things to you
'Cause I can turn on anyone
Just like I've turned on you
I've got a tongue like a razor
A sweet switchblade knife
And I can do you favors
But then you'll do whatever I like"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not like the others," said Anna as she stared around the room, gauging all our reactions.

"I don't find that very reassuring," said Ruby snidely.

"Neither do I," agreed Pamela, her face no longer appearing quite as hospitable toward Anna.

"Just give her a chance," I sighed, closing my eyes tightly. It was hard to process the new information, as I had wholly believed Anna to be human. The angel bit did kind of put a damper on our relationship. She had to be different. To give up her whole being, her very essence—she must have seen something on Earth that was worth the fall; she must have been one of the few angels stationed amongst humans in order to grow such a fondness for it. I thought of other earth angels like Akobel, Carrion, and Ariel. "They're not all the same."

"So...Castiel, Uriel—" She recited the names with familiarity, "they're the ones that came for me?"

"You know them?" asked Dean.

"We were kind of in the same foxhole," She answered.

"You were in their garrison?" I asked, blinking in surprise. It was possible we'd visited the humans at different points in time, but still I was surprised to have never met her. While there was, admittedly, a great number of angels I had never met personally, I had become familiar with many of them, especially angels stationed on the ground. "Were you an Earth angel?"

She paused, smiling only slightly as she closed her eyes and shook her head, "How did you know that?"

"Earth angels are always getting in trouble," I shrugged, if not playfully. "All that time around humans tends to rub off. You start using human judgement."

"That's one good way of putting it," She replied, fascinated. "But historically humans don't always have the best judgement—uh, no offense," She said, looking around nervously at all the humans in the room.

"None taken," said Pamela, her mouth quirking at the corner. She still seemed a touch overwhelmed by everything, but was taking it well all things considered.

"So, what, you were all in the same little platoon?" said Dean dryly. "Were they like your bosses or something?"

"Try the other way around," said Anna with a proud smile.

["I can feel you swooning. Stop that."]

How had she been the head of one of my most frequented garrisons, yet we had never met? It didn't make sense to me.

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