Chapter Four: Crazy Circles

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The Darkest Road
Chapter Four: Crazy Circles

“Life is like a game of chance
Some find riches and some romance
Some find happiness and some find sorrow
Some find it today and some maybe tomorrow
Oh I will face the sun
Leavin shadows for behind
And together we'll go on
Through time oh yeah
Life is like a carousel you aim for heaven
And you wind up in hell
To all the world you're livin like a king
But you're just a puppet on a broken string.”

“Dean,” I swooped down to the floor where he lay and took his head in my arms, “Are you okay?”

     “I'll be fine,” He said quietly. I could only guess there were fire-alarm worthy bells ringing in his ears. “Just, you know, take your top off and sit there for a minute. It’ll completely rejuvenate me.”

     I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the grin that spread across my lips, “Yeah, okay, nice try.”

     “Hey, you never know.” He laughed. Things were starting to get back to the way they’d been before, and I could only hope we continued forward on a smooth road to recovery. Or, well, as recovered as two Winchesters and a Curtanis could get. “I almost died. Actually, I take that back, I did die. Daytime television sucks, and I deserve to see some nudity. Don’t get shy on me now.”

      “I would, but Bobby's here, and I don't think he'd appreciate your eyes burned out of your head.” I teased, “We've had enough of that this week as is.

     “What are you talking about? Bobby's not—” There was a heavy knock at the door. Dean's eyes looked puzzled, “How did you?—”

     “Not human.” I reminded him. “Sensitive to energies.”

     When neither Dean nor I made a move to answer the door, Bobby took it upon himself to open it anyway. I turned my head just in time to see his eyes go wide at the destruction of the room, “What the hell happened?”

     “Whatever this thing is decided to make an appearance.” Dean groaned as he sat up, “Let's leave.”

     There was an excited leap in my chest. Finally! From the sounds of it, Dean wanted to summon Cas. Once we did this I could stop acting so damn oblivious and be a bit more help.


The three of us piled into Bobby's car to find a 'safe place' to go. Unless they knew the anti-angel sigils or had a ring of holy fire, there was no 'safe place' from Castiel.

    Bobby got in the driver side and cranked the truck as I slid in next to him. Dean sat on my right, and even though it was a pretty tight fit it didn't bother me much; I had spent so much time with them now that I’d had to adapt to situations such as this.

      Dean shut the door behind himself and wiped the blood from his face.

      “How you doin', kid?” Bobby asked him, looking past me.

     “Aside from the church bells ringing in my head, peachy.” He answered, pulling out his cell phone. I watched curiously as he scrolled down to Sam's number and hit call.

     “Hey.” Sam's voice answered casually.

     “What are you doing?” Dean asked.

     “Couldn't sleep, went to get a burger.”

     “In my car?” Dean sounded equal parts offended and suspicious.

     “Force of habit, sorry.” Sam brushed him off, forcing me to stifle a laugh. Dean shot me a sideways glare. “What are you doing up?”

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