Chapter Nine: Give Me Shelter

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As previously promised: Rosam moments, Isaac douchebaggery, and Castiel! Finally, hehe.


Chapter Nine: Give Me Shelter

"Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away."


"Someone should go watch the Wallace house." I insisted, still lying on the same place in my bed.

        "Yeah, I was thinkin' the same thing." said Dean with a nod.

        "That girl at the party..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "Something was off about her. She was lying to us, I could feel it."

        "The hot blonde?"

        Oz spiked my blood and I was almost terrified that my eyes were going to start turning red.

        "Yes, Dean, that would be the one." I snapped, "She was eyeing the coin around my neck like it was a French fucking pastry. You know who knows about the Celt coin? People and creatures who have been around long enough to see the damn thing. She knew what I was, and that's dangerous. Either we fix this shit ourselves or you can definitely expect some divine intervention."

        "Divine intervention? You mean-?" Sam didn't finish.

        "Yes. The angels."

        "What do they have to do with any of this?" asked Dean.

        "To put it in simplified terms, I'm almost like the crowned jewel of Heaven-not to sound egotistical or anything-but the last thing they're going to want is one of the
world's most powerful demons anywhere within my vicinity..."

        "We'll figure it out, Ros." said Dean lightly, "The angels won't even find out. We're gonna gank this bitch before her last sacrifice, don't sweat it."

        "I'm willing to bet you they already know!" I said angrily.

        "Whoa there, calm down." Sam said, stepping forward and placing
his hand on mine as a source of comfort. Dean looked down at where his brother's hand was touching mine before quickly looking away and swallowing. "Why are you getting so worked up?"

        "I don't want them here." I said, the anger quickly melting into a frightened sort of apprehension. "You don't... you don't know them like I do. I want us to be able to stop this, and I don't want them showing up out of nowhere just like they always..." I cut myself off,
realizing my voice was shaking. I couldn't tell if I was on the brink of tears or homicide, so I stopped while I was ahead. "I need a hot bath." I pulled my hand out of Sam's and turned away from the boys, walking towards our bathroom. "Please, just do me a favor and take this seriously..."


I soaked in the hot bath water, the weight lying on my chest comfortingly. It felt nice on my neck and other limbs, and seemed to slightly relieve my migraine.

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