Chapter Thirteen: Hammer To Fall

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Surprise, bitch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

so you guys crack me up. every time I check the comments it's like "where's Luna" and then some "Ros and Ruby pls" mixed with a clusterfuck of "OZ, SLAY"

I know I promised some g x g this chapter but I miscalculated, it's actually next chapter. Lucky for you guys, I've already got it mostly written (save a few kinks I'm working out) and I'll have it posted soon!

Also I felt the need to prove to you that I'm NOT finished with the story!! I haven't forgotten about you, crazies, this website is my one true love!

Chapter Thirteen: Hammer to Fall

"For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the Mushroom Cloud

Convinced our voices can't be heard

We just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder

What the hell are we fighting for?

Just surrender and it won't hurt at all

You just got time to say your prayers

While you're waiting for the hammer to fall."

After Ruby's first true interaction with Oz, she didn't have much left to say to me when the red eyes fell back to green. There were no snarky comments, no demeaning nicknames, no sort of backlash or anything. It wasn't surprising that Ruby didn't have much to say to me afterward, but I could only hope she didn't speak a word of it to the Winchesters yet. I just wasn't ready to be looked at like a monster again; I had only just gotten back on the boys' good sides after the whole fiasco with my secrecy of the angels.

"Do Sam and Dean know?" Ruby finally asked after we got settled into the cabin. It was the first she had spoken to me since leaving the hotel room and running. I'd actually been hoping that maybe she wouldn't bring the subject up again, but of course that was just too much to hope for. She had something over me now and I knew she'd dangle it above my head for as long as she could.

I looked over my shoulder before deciding to answer, wary that Anna might be listening. She was in the other room, looking spaced out and distant. This all had to be crazy to her. Part of me began to wonder if she had heard the whispers of my dark-side too; if she had heard anything about it through angel radio, then my secret wasn't quite so secret anymore. The sketch she'd done of me while she was in the psych ward was enough evidence to prove she already had an inkling about Oz, even if she didn't understand it yet. My stomach shifted uneasily.

After a thoughtful pause, I finally looked up to Ruby, who I realized had been watching me like a hawk as I'd been gazing dreamily at Anna. "They don't. John didn't know either, but he had his suspicions," my voice sounded small and far off. "And I hope they never find out."

"Figures," She said, crossing her arms and pacing the floor in front of me. She never sat; her restlessness set me on edge even more if that was possible.

I leaned back on the couch and crossed my legs with a noise of disgust. "What 'figures'?"

"That the double dose of Clyde to your Bonnie, the only two you have, don't know about your alter ego," She replied. "Do you ever plan on telling them?"

"I'm avoiding it; it's not exactly something you tell people: 'like, oh, by the way, did I mention that my temper racks up a higher body count than any mythological deity?'" I dramatized the whole scenario in a voice laced with cynicism. I hated her with every bone in my body, especially after finding out about her and Sam, but the weight of my worries circling Oz was starting to crush me. There were things I needed to talk about with someone, anyone. "It's not supposed to be like this. I've felt things slipping out of the dark side of my consciousness more frequently than I'm used to. It just sort of bursts out of me."

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