Chapter Five: Slither

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Okay, so I know I said this book would contain a lot of romance, but the more I think about it the more I feel like I shouldn't delve into that just yet. This book will probably be the main point of angst/conflict. With all the angels newly coming in and Roslyn's past being revealed, this book will contain a lot of "self discovery" for Roslyn, as well as a bit more time for character development, and the rising of Oz. (Oooh Oz)

I'm a sap and I LOVE romance/sex/fluff things, so there will definitely be plenty throughout this, but not as much as originally planned. Right now the tensions are pretty high between characters and the trust is worn pretty thin. I can't be sloppy and make it all go away for the sake of a few makeout scenes. It'll have to slowly simmer down and the trust will need to re-mend, but I will satisfy all your fluffy/sexy needs ASAP, I promise c;

One last thing: the ship names are ROSAM (Ros + Sam) and ROSLEAN (Ros + Dean) if you ship both/either and are team Switzerland it's just LOVECHESTER (Roslyn Lovelace + Winchester)


The Darkest Road
Chapter 5: Slither

"Yeah, here comes the water
It comes to wash away the sins of you and I
This time you see
Like holy water
It only burns you faster than you'll ever dry
This time with me."

Dean, Bobby, Sam, and I sat around the broken glass in the room, all quiet and awkward. Dean was waiting for me to explain the situation to Sam, and I was very reluctant to own up to what had happened. I didn't want him to look at me the same way Dean and Bobby had. My heart had endured enough heartache for the night.

     "So let me get this straight. Castiel is an angel? Like an actual, biblical angel?" Sam asked interestedly. I knew he had always been a believer in God, where Dean had not. Sam prayed and had faith--something I found sort of endearing.

     "That's right," I answered, nodding.

     Sam shook his head. He didn’t seem angry, just inquisitive. "Why didn't you ever tell us?"

     I pulled at a loose string on my jeans. "I wasn't allowed to."

     "So that's what the lore meant." Sam pondered to himself.

     "Wait what, what do you mean the lore?" asked Dean at once, stepping toward Sam.

     "The Curtanis lore. I did research--"

     "You continued to do research even after the talk with Bobby?" Dean raised an eyebrow at him.

     "I was, uh--" Sam blushed a bit, "I was interested."

     I smiled faintly and Bobby continued on before Dean could get another word out, "What did it say?"

     "It said that a Curtanis is committed to their silence by their making." Sam explained, "I wasn't sure what it meant at the time, but now it kind of makes sense."

     "I never lied about anything." I threw in after another round of quiet, "I don't want you to think any less of me; I couldn't help the secret. I can talk about it now."

     "We forgive you, Ros." said Bobby with a sigh. "But next time could you drop a few hints or foreshadow or something?"

     Sam rubbed my back as if to agree, making my chest feel a little bit tighter. I was still upset with Sam, but did I really have any right to be? He was forgiving me, after all, and it's not like I was completely innocent. I slept with his brother.

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