Chapter Three: Fight Song

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Chapter Three: Fight Song

"Evacuate now, cause
This storms out for blood.
Build a shelter for your kind,
And protect the ones you love.
It seems that
Everyday we're fightin', and we're
Causin' bolts of lightnin', like a
Hot and cold collision in the sky."

Dean was looking to get a drink before we left, while Sam and I followed Bobby down to the parking lot. Bobby said this woman, Pamela, was four hours down the Interstate. He went to his car to wait for us to depart, leaving me alone with Sam.

     After a long second of doing nothing but looking at my feet, I lifted my gaze to find Sam staring at me. I gave an uncomfortable cough and shifted on my feet, "Well, glad you were okay."

     "Come on, don't be mad at me." Sam sighed, looking guilty, "I missed you."

     I swallowed, "Yeah. Didn't seem to have much of a problem replacing me, though. Good for you."

     "How could you say that?" Sam looked genuinely hurt, "No one in this world could ever replace you."

     I felt my throat tighten. It was without a doubt that Sam cared about me. It probably didn't go as deep as I would have liked, but he was part of the only family I had left. Even so, I still couldn't help the gnawing distraught of seeing him with another woman. I had no right to feel this way, it's not like we had anything romantic going on, but yet I couldn't stop it.

     No feelings, no feelings, no feelings.

     "That's sure not how it looked." I said, giving a humorless laugh. "It's fine. You shouldn't even be defending yourself. I mean, what am I, your girlfriend?"

     As soon as the word left my mouth Sam opened his mouth and then closed it, letting out a deep huff and staring at my profile, sulking. He wanted to say something, but lacked the courage.

     "Ready to hit the road?" Dean asked, hitting the bottom step towards the parking lot.

     Sam and I looked at him and nodded.

     "Come on, ya idjits!" Bobby yelled from his truck, "Try and keep up!"

     "I assume you'll want to drive." Sam said to Dean, pulling the keys out of his right pocket and tossing them to him.

     Dean caught the keys with ease and beamed, chuckling delightedly, "Oh, I almost forgot!" He approached the old Impala and ran a hand along it lovingly. "Hey, sweetheart, did you miss me?"

     I opened the back door and slid into my spot, sighing at the familiarity. I missed this car. It felt nice to be back where I should've been all along.

     Dean excitedly hopped into the driver's side, wiggling and settling in. I don't think the grin ever left his face--not until his eyes fell upon an iPod jack plugged into the stereo. He paused and gave it a dirty look. Sam opened the door and got into the passenger's seat next, smiling like nothing was wrong. Dean shot him a side-long glare.

     "What the hell is that?"

     Sam's grin didn't drop, "That's an iPod jack."

     "You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up."

     "Dean, I thought it was my car," Sam defended himself.

     Dean sneered, sighed, and then turned the key in the ignition. When "Vision" by Jason Manns began to play, Dean rolled his eyes and glared at Sam again, looking seriously pained, "Really?"

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