Chapter Eight: Hold on Loosely

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Real Quick: I know I procrastinated this, I'm sorry. I'm ALSO sorry if it isn't that great because it was a little rushed. Oh, and I know in my update I promised Cas and Isaac but as I was writing I realized they weren't until the next part (SORRY SORRY SORRY DONT EAT ME). It's 1:35 AM as I type this, and I'm hella tired.

Elizabeth ✡


Chapter Eight: Hold on Loosely

"Just hold on loosely

But don't let go

If you cling too tightly

You're gonna lose control

Your baby needs someone to believe in

And a whole lot of space to breathe in

Don't let her slip away

Sentimental fool

Don't let your heart get in the way."

The boys and I kept fairly busy with cases, running after every strange encounter that we could find. There was even one notable case where, after a town had acquired a record of three deaths due to fear and intense paranoia, Dean was infected with a type of ghost sickness. It was a good thing we had caught on before it was too late.

     Dean was noticeably unnerved by many things that wouldn't normally faze him in the hours leading up to the discovery. It was actually pretty hilarious if you discarded the fact he could have died from a heart attack. It was subtle at first, and Oz even managed to will my body to hide in dark corners and pop out at him just to see his reaction; he screamed--like a five year old girl.

     The same evening of the very first occurrence, after meeting with Sheriff Britton, Dean's strange behavior continued to escalate until he finally set off an EMF detector, proving that he was, in fact, infected. Besides the ridiculously hilarious paranoia, he'd also begun to incessantly scratch his left forearm like some sort of drug-dependent addict. One call to Bobby later and-badda bing, badda boom-we realized Dean was diagnosed with Ghost sickness. It was rare from what I understood, and usually only happened to those who died gruesome and horrified--buruburus.

     Connecting together all the dots of the case, we managed to string together the common denominator that the victims had all used fear as a weapon during their lives. Oz very eloquently summoned it up as, "Oh, they're all giant, gaping assholes. Better praise good ol' Dad we didn't catch that shit, because, haha, I know it applies to me."

     While on the case we were all back at the hotel room trying to keep Dean hidden away from anything that would cause him to have a heart attack, when he coughed up a wood chip, of all things. It led us to a Lumber Mill where we gained important clues- oh, and Dean ran back to the Impala screaming like a little bitch once he saw an apparition.

     The insanity continued on with a heartbreaking backstory about a gentle, misunderstood giant named Luther. Hearing his brother speak almost made me cry; I forced it down as best as I could to keep a professional front.

     We ridded the Buruburu with intense fear of its own. Though the case was successful and Dean's heart remained strong, it wasn't without leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Luther's story would forever be in my memory, and I'd see to it that he got one of the greatest slots in heaven for all the misery and torture he'd endured so sportfully in life.

     For me, keeping so busy all the time served as a nice distraction from Angels--especially Lucifer. Isaac had tried to visit me once, but I immediately shut down our communications, using all the magic to barrier my mind against him that I could manage without nearly dying first. Castiel kept watch over us, that much I could feel. Sam still hadn't met the angel, and I wasn't sure when he would get the opportunity.

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