Chapter 26: The lost truth

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Harry's POV:

After cleaning out the cuts on her wrist I take her into the lounge.

"You need help"

She looks at me... And she looks angry. To be honest she looks quite intimidating right now.

"No I don't"

"Yes you do Lilac!" I state raising my voice.

"What I need is to know the truth. On the phone my biological mother called Harry! For fucksakes I've been adopted this whole time and I had no idea! No wonder they never wanted me."

Oh my god... I feel terrible now. I had no idea! Then the bathroom scene played through my head and anger showed through my flared nostrils.

"That doesn't mean you have to go and cut! You said you'd stop! What am I supposed to do with you?" I say more harshly than I meant to.


"Lilac I didn't mean it like that at all please know that"

"Oh yeah... Sure."

She flips me the finger and goes into the bedroom.

She comes back out and I follow her to the .. Door? What was she doing?

"Harry don't pretend you love me. I mean no one else does. I'm nothing special, don't treat me like I am because you feel bad for me"

With that she walks out the door.

Fucking fantastic. Good job Harry, lose the love of your life that has no one else.

~ Lilac's POV:

I run off the bus and just keep running. Seeing that we were parked waiting for the other boys to get back.

I took out my cellphone and called 'Rose' back.


"Hello!!!!!!" says an eager woman

"Uhm.. Hello. Listen I want to know everything. Why you left me .. Why you are contacting me. All I want is the truth, because my whole life has been a lie. Don't I deserve the truth?" I ask with such yearn in my voice.

"Oh sweetheart, maybe we could meet up somewhere and talk yeah? Say... Tomorrow at 12:30 for some lunch at Montana's?"

"Sounds good" is all I say before hanging up.

I didn't want to think about it anymore. All I want is sleep.

I have no where to go though... I mean obviously Harry isn't coming for me. I don't want him to anyways. The only reason he is staying with me is because he feels bad for me is my guess. Who could love me anyways?

I then call Alexandra. I have no one else...




"Hey! This is Alexandra, I'm not at the phone right now. Please leave a message!"


"Hey Alex... I know your busy. I need you. I don't know what to do any more. My biological mother called and Harry found me cutting my wrist in the bathroom and then after that---"


I sigh and turn my phone off.

What do I do now?

I see a bar up the road which is just what I need.

I walk in and clutch onto my purse with my dear life. Everyone in here gave me the creeps.

I then feel someone's arm wrap around my tiny waist. "wanna dance on meh , sexeh ladeh" the person starts grinding against me to the blaring music.

I quickly turn around and push him away, kicking him in the balls and running to the bar leaving him bending over in pain.

"Want a water pretty lady?" the guy asks. He had both full sleeved arms with tattoos. And he was kinda cute. So I'm a girl... There's not many in this bar. He thinks I don't drink alcohol because I am a girl?

"Sure if the whiskey is included" I say smirking.

He raises his eyebrows as if he's surprised and starts making my drink.

He hands it to me "7pounds my lady" I hand him the money and take a sip.

It wasn't to strong, nor to weak. It had just enough.

I slid some extra money towards him for the amazing drink.

"Wow a tip to. Thanks" he winks.

More than a few drinks later and the pain was gone. I felt nothing. I was thinking about nothing.

I guess the pain being gone is better than being able to walk because your so drunk.

I look over to see a bar fight.

Then it suddenly starts fading and my eye lids close shut.


My heavy eyelids slowly open. Surprisingly I didn't have a headache and that I'm not hungover. I mean I passed out! I looked around and sighed at the all to familiar place. Why was I back at the tour bus? "How are you feeling babe? I brought you some water... This time with no whiskey. That bar tender told me you were chugging those down like nothing"

"How did you know I was there?" I ask

"Don't worry about it" Harry asks handing me the glass of water.

I gladly take it and gulp it down. I was glad he had looked for me. When I seen him butterflies filled my stomach. He looked so hot in that beanie.

Wait no he doesn't Lilac! You can't think that, he doesn't love you remember?

"Don't ever run off this bus again. There's to many creeps" he says sternly. Who does he think he is telling me what not to do?

"What time is it" I ask

"12:00 why?"

"Shit I have to meet Rose at Montana's at 12:30"

"I'll go talk to the driver. Don't worry babe"

~At Montana's~

"So.... You were young when you had me and had no choice but to put me up for adoption? And my dad is someone you dated in high school but you guys aren't dating anymore?" I ask her "Why did you wait so long to find me?"

"I've been looking for you for the longest time my dear. I never stopped looking. You were born here... I heard you were traveling with One Direction as a back up dancer. I hear the bus was coming through here and finally I contacted you. I didn't even raise you and already your so successful. Your adoptive parents... Do you love them, we're they nice?"

I shook my head. A look of regret spread across her face and I knew she felt bad.

"Well, now you know I am your real mother. I feel awfully sorry for you having to grow up this way... You know Lilac, I really do love you" hearing those words brightened my day. Finally I could have some family that will love me.

"I love you to" I say smiling.

The smile wasn't fake and neither was my words. Already I felt closer to my mother. It felt so weird to call her that, but it also felt great.

After we said our goodbyes. Promised to keep in touch and now I must face Harry again....


Short chapter, I'm sorry guys!

Love you all <3 Xx.

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