Niall imagine for @MRSDALLAS4EVER

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You groaned and curled up into a fetal position as another cramp shot through your stomach.

"Babe?" You heard the familiar thick Irish accent ring through the house and the wooden steps creaked.

Your bedroom door cracked open and you looked up to meet wondering blue eyes. "That time of the month?" He inquired walking in to stand beside you.

You simply nodded then felt yourself being lifted into the air bridle style. You didn't fight back as you were in enough pain, you curled into his chest as he brought you downstairs laying you gently on the couch.

He walked away and you whimpered from loosing warmth. He came back in with his arms full of different things. A hearing pad, chocolate, chick flicks, blankets, pillows, and hot tea.

You smiled and sat up grabbing ahold of your stomach in the process. He put a movie in, setting the tea and chocolate on the table, unfolding the blanket and plugging in the heating pad finally taking a seat next to you. He handed you the heating pad which you gratefully took putting it behind your back.

You sighed content as he spread the blanket over you both. He held his arms open causing you to giggle and curl into his firm side. His arms wrapped around your waist, his hand sliding under your shirt rubbing small circles over your cramping stomach.

You looked up at him smiling and he returned the favor showing his teeth. You laid your head against his chest focusing on the movie when he placed a gentle kiss to your head.

His lips lingered as he whispered. "I love you, Zaryah."

Hope you enjoy! I'm so sorry it took so long!!!!!!!!!!!!


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