Niall is the type of boyfriend...

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I bet Niall is the type of boyfriend

Who is always doing cute, stupid things just to her your laugh.

He always tells you it's the cutest thing he's ever heard and that he'll never get tired of it.

I bet when your on your period he'll come over with chocolate, movies, food, and blankets and sit and cuddle with you all day. His hands will run your back and stomach to ease your cramps and he'll occasionally feed you chocolate to make you giggle.

I bet he wouldn't be afraid to show that your his and he always holds your hand in public.

If he catches someone looking he'll slowly intertwine your fingers pulling you a little closer.

He waits for the perfect moment to kiss you. Whether its in the rain or while your blabbing on about nonsense.

He'll slowly close the distance between you and start to lean in slowly savoring each second until your lips meet and fireworks explode.



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