Zayn imagine for @Qweeel

463 13 4

Today was just an average lazy day for you.

You threw on some sweat pants and one of your boyfriends big shirts. You threw your hair up into a messy bun and applied no makeup.

You walked down the stairs and plopped onto the couch flipping on the telly. Steel magnolias was on so you decided to watch it.

Towards the end you started bawling like a baby with a pile if tissues next to you and an almost empty box.

The doorbell rang and you stood walking towards it not bothering to wipe away tears. It was your boyfriend Zayn looking at you concerned.

"Andrea, baby, what's wrong? If its that scum bag of an ex I wi-."

You cut him off before he blew his top. "No. No. It's just a movie."

"Oh baby. Come here." He held his arms open for a hug which you took leaving his shirt damp from tears.

He walked into the house with his arm around you as you hid your face in his chest. He shut the door walking towards the couch sitting down bringing you onto his lap.

He held you close whispering sweet things into your ear. "It's just a movie, baby. Don't worry I'm here. I'm always here for you."



I wasn't exactly sure what you wanted by sad but hope u like it!! if u don't just tell me and I'll make u another one:)

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