Niall imagine for @PaolaBoo

775 13 3

Finally here.

New York City.

The day has finally come.

You have been waiting for this your entire life and its finally here.

You smiled happily, walking down the sidewalk looking down.

You bobbed my head slightly to the beat of your iPod that was placed in the pocket of your ripped bright blue skinny jeans.

A Rolling Stones shirt hung loosely over your shoulders and red toms adorned your feet as you practically skipped along the sidewalk.

You were overjoyed to finally be free and eighteen. This is your chance to start over and meet new people.

You were so caught up in the current song that you weren't paying attention to what was in front of you.

You ran right into somebody jogging, the impact causing you to fall on your bum. You let out a grunt and looked up, meeting sparkling blue eyes.

Your mouth fell open and you stared endlessly into eyes you never dreamed of meeting.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered out, breaking the silence.

"It's my fault, love." He smiled warmly at you and offered his hand, which you gratefully took.

"How about I get you some coffee and we get to know each other to say I'm sorry." He winked at you, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers.

You smiled, nodded and we set off on the unknown first date of many more.


Hope you enjoy:)

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