Niall imagine for @niallhoranfanpage

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"Hey babe ready to go?"

"Yep." I replied popping the 'p'.

Me and my boyfriend Niall are going to the carnival today.

I know your thinking 'OMG you are dating Niall freaking Horan!'


Yes I am and let me just say it is fantastic!

We arrived after walking about three blocks. He paid for the tickets and I marveled all the rides.

"Oo babe I wanna ride that one!" I shouted tugging on his arm.

He laughed as I drug him over to a ride the goes all over spinning its called the tornado. He sat on the inside knowing i would wind up squished next to him.

I curled into his chest the entire time enjoying this moment.

We rode all the rides then finally grabbed some food.

We shared a large funnel cake covered in powdered sugar, sour patch kids, corn dogs, and a large Pepsi.

I was pulling off pieces of the funnel cake when a fan came up asking Niall for a picture. He accepted and signed her shirt on request then taking my hand in his.

"Can I get a picture with you, Sarah?"

I was shocked. "Sure sweetie."

Fans seemed to take a liking to me for some reason.

I am happy that I don't receive a ton of hate.

"I'm happy fans like you, but they will never love you as much as I do." Niall stated pulling me into a big powdered sugar lipped kiss.

We pulled away laughing at each others faces.

We enjoyed the rest of the day at the carnival finishing it off at his house watching movies.


Hope you enjoy:)

Hey I am so sorry it's been a while but I just got wifi back!!!

If you'd like one comment/inbox ur name, boy, occasion!!!


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