Niall imagine Fair date

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"Hey babe wanna go to the fair tonight?"

"I'd love too."

"Pick you up at 5 and we can grab dinner."

"K love you."

"Love you."

You and your boyfriend Niall are going to the fair tonight. You looked at the clock.


You ran to your closet picking out some jeans and a lace top. You slipped on your TOMS and fixed your hair in a fishtail braid off to the side.

Checking the clock again you grabbed your phone and purse.


Niall would be here any minute and as if on cue there was a knock in the door.

"Ready to go, Y/N?"

You nodded locking the door.

After finishing eating at nandos you two were off to the fair. It was by the beach so the sunset was going to be incredible.

"When sunset comes can we be on the Ferris wheel? Pretty please." You begged giving him your best puppy dog face.

"Okay. Okay. Enough with the face."

You laughed and started to skip to all the rides. Niall got you some cotton candy and you were on his back picking at the fluffy substance. You started to slap him in the chest.


You pointed. "Look at that thing! What is it? It's so fluffy!"

"I think it's a stuffed chick. Want it?"

You nodded your head rapidly. He laughed and carried you over to the stand.

"How can I get that chick there?"

"You have to knock down those three bottles with these three balls."

Niall nodded and you hopped off his back. He handed the man the money and knocked over all three with the second throw handing you the little chick.

"Oh my gosh Niall thank you. I love it!"

"Anything for you babe." He kissed you sweetly then you hopped on his back again riding the Ferris wheel at sunset as promised.


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