Niall imagine for @michelle_elias

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You screamed out in pain as you gave the final push and your new baby boy was born.

You took deep breaths of relief as you calmed down and held tight to Niall's hand.

He smiled up at you. "You did great princess."

You weakly smiled and gave a breathily laugh.

You waited patiently while the doctors cleaned the baby and wrapped him in a baby blue blanket.

"Here is your newborn boy, Mrs. Horan."

You smiled at the doctor, still getting used to the name Mrs. Horan and took the newborn boy into your arms cradling him close.

"He has your eyes, Michelle."

You smiled at Niall. "He has your nose."

This time Niall smiled at you.

You both just stared in awe at the little life you created. He was beautiful and yours. He was so perfect and he just came into this world.

You handed him to Niall and watched as he cooed to the little baby who watched his daddy with big curious eyes.

He softly sang and he fell asleep in your husbands arms.

It was the perfect picture. You decided to take the picture with your phone.

Keepsake forever.


Having the same name it was like writing an imagine for myself haha

Hope you enjoy:)

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