Phone calls

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I got up, walking out the room. I knew this conversation would be a waste of time.

"Maria." His raspy voice whispered through the phone, sending chills up my spine.

"What do you want Jason?!" I screamed but then lowered my voice so the boys wouldn't hear me.

"Watch your tone with me. You know what I'm capable of doing to you. Now listen up and stop talking . Interrupt me again and ill be back to add another mark tonight. " He growled.

It's funny because last time I checked, I'm not home at the moment.

"I'm going to see both of you tomorrow at my house. Got it? " he demanded.

Excuse him?

"Who is both of you?" I asked sarcastically.

"You and the child." He shot back at me.

How many times do I have to tell him her name before he gets it through his thick skull?

Oh that's right, every time he brings her up.

"Her name Is Amanda and what if I have other plans tomorrow?" I wanted to get him roused up . It was actually amusing watching him get mad over the stupidest things.

"Cancel them. I don't care what you have to do. I told you to do something. I didn't give you a choice."

"Obviously." I mumbled.

"WHAT?" He said louder.


Harry walked in behind me, shocked at how loud I was. I quickly ended the call. Oh God Jason's gonna be mad tomorrow.

"Hey, what's wrong? I heard yelling and I think Amanda's hungry." He said coming over to the windowsill beside me. He took a seat on the windowpane, Amanda still clutching onto his blazer.

"Oh nothing. I was just on the phone with-" I stopped myself before I caused anything unnecessary.

"Who?" He asked lifting Amanda higher so she wouldn't slip out of his grasp.

"I don't want to tell you." I said Turing away.

"Maria. Who is it?" He asked. He sounded concerned.

How many things do I have to tell him on the second time meeting him? He's seen me break down, knows about Amanda, and now Jason.

"Jason. Amanda's father." His face seemed to be filled with anger at the thought of Jason . He tightened his grip on Amanda.

"What did he say?"


"Maria." He said sternly.

"Harry." I replied mocking him.

"Come on, please tell me. It seems important."

"Fine. Geez. He said that he wanted to see me and Amanda tomorrow. I tried telling him something but he told me not to interrupt him when he's talking."

"Why did you listen?"Amanda began tugging at Harry's curls but he seemed oblivious to the situation.

"Becausehehitmebeforeandthreatenedtohitmeagain." I replied not bothering to separate the words as they came out my mouth.

"Eh?" He said getting up to come closer to me.

He lifted his hand to caress my cheek but I flinched and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Maria. What did he do to you?" He asked.

Why does he care? We've just met and he already wants to know my life story.

"H-he hit me and threatened to hit me a-again." I said breathing heavily.

I shut my eyes tightly. Just say it.

"Maria... Why didn't you just tell me?" He said taken back at the fact I didn't inform him before.

"Well hello... Your Harry styles. Your like perfect and so is your life. If I told you, you would just throw me to the side like everyone else does when they find out my flaws. I'm surprised you lasted past the Amanda news." I said shrugging my shoulders."besides, I like you a lot and I'm afraid ill lose you."

"So you like me back?" He said smirking.

"Yeah. I guess I do." I said opening my eyes and staring at him.

Amanda let out a wail and reached for me. "MWOMMY!" she screamed.

"Wow she's almost exactly like you." He joked letting her come.

"Shut up." I said grabbing her and placing her at my hip. She played with my hair for a while then got bored and started crying again.

"Amanda!" I said frustrated.

Harry chuckled and looked at me.

"You ok?"

"No..I'm great." I said sarcastically. "How about you try taking care of her?"

"Ok." He said taking her from my arms once again. She began crying even louder.

Flinging her arms in every direction.

"What did you do to her ?" He asked trying not to laugh and make her even angrier.

"I didn't do anything." I replied throwing my hands up in defense.

"Maybe I should take her to Niall, he's a professional when it comes to kids." I nodded.

"Right. He's a professional at a lot of things."

"Let's go." He said guiding me towards the room again where everyone was staring at us.

Amanda continued to cry, her cheeks turning red and tear stains going down them.

The boys stared at us as we walked In with no looks of concern on our faces.

"What's wrong with her? Harry What did you do?!" Liam shrieked.

"Calm down, daddy direction. She's just unhappy because she hasn't eaten." Harry replied walking over towards Niall.

"Haha my kind of baby." Niall said looking over at me.

"Good thing you said that, can you calm her?" Harry said handing her over to Niall before he could even reply.

I let out a giggle plopped down next to ZAYN. I checked the time on my phone. It was 5:23 and I Haven't eaten anything in six hours. I suddenly understand how Amanda feels.

"Zayn, is there any restaurants around here that I can go to? I haven't eaten in like forever." I said exaggerating.

"There's a NANDOS close by.

"NANDOS!!" Niall screamed almost immediately shooting out of his seat. Amanda almost flying out of his arms.

"Niall! Be careful. geez I held her inside me for nine months and I'm not gonna risk anything." I snapped at him.

"I think someone else is hungry here." He said looking at me.

"I guess we can go out and eat before the show." Harry said getting up.

"Great. Because I'm starving. " Niall said walking towards the door.

"Niall wait for us, don't get lost again!" Liam screamed going after him.

I grabbed Amanda's bag, my jacket and caught up to Harry.

He smiled at me, letting his fingers envelope mine as we walked to the car.

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