Louis' Suspicions

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Read a/n at the end please!

(Not edited)

Louis Suspicions 

Louis' POV:

"Aye, no fair!" Niall yells from beside me.

Liam laughs as he beats Niall yet again at video games.

"I demand a rematch! He's bloody cheating I tell you." Niall says.

"Lad, give it up. It's the fifth time I've beat you ." Liam replies throwing the remote aside.

"Just admit he's better than you." Zayn says scrolling through his photos.

"Never!." Niall screams. 

This is basically all we've been doing for the past two days.

Everyone except for Harry. He's been in his room the whole time, or on his phone, occasionally coming out to use the restroom or eat.

"Can someone get Harry out of that bloody room! You'd think he'd have gotten bored of sitting there all day long."

I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck and standing up to stretch, preparing myself to have a talk with my best mate. I mean enough is enough.

"I'll be back."

They all look over at me a look of 'good luck' in each of their eyes.

I may be crazy and immature at times, but I know when it is appropriate to be serious.

I knock twice and hear a muffled "Go away," from the other side.

I jiggle the doorknob but he's locked it.

"Harry open the door."

"Give me one good reason to." He mutters.

"It's Louis."

He grunts and I hear feet shuffle across the carpet and the lock clicks open.

Harry stands in front of me, bags under his red and puffy eyes. His cheeks are tear-stained and he rolls his eyes as he walks back inside.

"What do you want Louis," He spat, placing himself back on the bed where his phone and laptop lay.

I close the door behind me, stepping inside and taking a seat beside him on his bed. 

"I thought you needed someone to talk to, someone who understands." 

He scoffs,"You think that, you, out of all people understand how I feel right now?" 

My hearts aches in my chest as he makes this remark. Does he really not believe he can tell me anything after all we'ge gotten through together?

"Yes." I state, my voice cracking. I clear my throat,waiting for him to speak. 

I was about to get up and give him space after minutes of silence before feeling the bed shift beneath me and a mop of curls rests on my chest. 

"I lost 'er Lou." He muffles into into my shirt."I got the chance and I blew it, because of my lack of judgement. I fell hard, mate."

"How do you know you've lost 'er for sure? You could just be thinking to much about it." He lifts his head to look up at me, his glossy eyes looking fathomless at mine.

"Maybe, you're right? Maybe I should've been the one to call her. Or should she have been the one to call me first?" He inquires.

"Calm down, alright? Whatever happens, happens. Take a chance , let it be." He nods, wiping his eyes before thanking me and standing up to walk towards the washroom. 

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