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Harry's Pov

I watch as Maria scurries to open the door, chuckling to myself whilst I place freshly seasoned steak onto the grill.

She comes back moments later with a boy who is about my height, dirty blonde hair (mostly brown though) and I notice his green eyes as they get closer.

The air felt heavy as Maria practically drags him over and introduces us. He looks almost exactly like me.

"Harry, this is Jason." My mind recalls all the things she's told me about him, how he hit her and my hands ball into fists.

He sticks his hand out for me to shake, and Maria looks worried. “Please” she mouths. I unball one fist and take his hand and very firmly shake it.

“Nice to meet you.” He smiles, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

“The pleasure is mine,” I mumble as we finally release after a while of firmly grasping onto eath other's hands. He chuckles to himself before turning around and walking inside the house, leaving me and Maria alone once again in the backyard.

“It took me all the strength not to punch the-”

“Harry.” Maria glares at me.

“I'm sorry, ok? He's pushing his limits. First he has the nerve to ask you if he could attend Amanda's birthday party, then he's laughing in my face for God knows what reason.”

“Maybe he was trying to break the awkward silence. C'mon Harry don't be like this.” She looks at me from underneath her long bangs.

“You know, you shouldn't hide your face so much with those bangs. It covers all your beautiful features. Especailly those eyes.” I say smiling.

She laughs, hitting my chest lightly, “Whatever Styles.”

I laugh along with her, pulling her close to my chest,”I'm serious.” I whisper into her ear. She sqeals and I stare at her. “What was that?”

“I'm ticklish when people are really close to my face. I dunno it's something weird I inhabited from my...mother.” Her face falls at the word mother.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, pulling her into my embrace once again as a tear rolls freely down her cheek. She nods and buries her face in my chest as Jason walks out the back door with Amanda at his hip.

“Woah, what's going on?” He asks obviously talking about Maria.

I shake my head, “Nothing, don't worry about it.”

He holds his hand up, eyebrows nitted together in disbelief. “Don't tell me not to worry about it. She's the mother of my child I have every right to question her.”

And that's when it hit me.

He will always need to be aware of the events her life because he has to . There was no choice; It's for his daughter.

I don't reply and he walks away towards a tree, Amanda babbling about something then sqealing as he puts her up on his shoulders, allowing her to mess with the branches.

Maria lifts her head and wipes the bottom of her eyes with the pad of her thumb before sighing heavily and walking back inside the house, offering a quick “I'll be back.”

I watch her as she walks away, slowly and I presume she's gone to help the boys decorate again. I return to the grill and curse quietly to myself, the steak's burnt.


Maria's Pov

As I begin helping the boys in the living room again, my phone begins to ring. I slip my iphone from my back pocket to check the caller I.d.


I quickly hit ignore and continue to help Niall blow up balloons.

About 30 seconds after I ingored the call, I receive a message.

1 New Message from: Mom.

I roll my eyes and throw the phone across the room. Everyone turns around, wide eyed at the sudden crash.

Niall raises his eyesbrows at me and I just shake my head. I finally decide I wouldn't ignore her anymore and check the message.

Honey, i'm coming to visit you. Me and your father. We're sorry for not supporting you throughout your pregnancy and Amanda's birth . Now we would like to be a part of both of your lives.

I stare at my phone in disbelief.

Is she serious?

As i'm about to reply back, the phone shows she's typing and I get another message.

You may not read this, or any of my messages, but know I love you.

I never stopped.



ok guys you know the drill, comment how you feel about her mom coming back into her life, and vote if you liked the chapter? 

/.\ im so upset right now so there might not be an update. there is so much going on in my life and believe me the conditions are extreme. Im tired of it, Of not being able to do things i want. I just want to have a stable life . I'm sorry guys. I love you all. </3

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