Spending Time With Matt..Or Justin?

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On My Own

Spending time with Matt.. Or Justin?


He leant back in his chair, studying my reaction.

I shake my head, laughing.

"What?" He asks, flashing me one of his beautiful smiles.

Beautiful smiles? 

Stop Maria.

"Nothing, it's just, I kinda had a feeling." I answer with a smile.

He chuckles, "We'll I'm glad I got that out my system."

He sat back limply in his chair, just...watching me.

I look down at my hands, unsure of what to say next.

"Do you wanna go out someplace?" He speaks up.

"Like where?"

"Roller skating?" He asks with a smile.

I nod,"sure."

We grab our things and stand up, throwing our trash away before heading towards the cafe doors.

He opens it, stepping aside for me to get through.

"Thank you." I say as we step out into the streets.

He stuffs his hands in his front pockets,"it's nothing."

My phone begins to ring and I answer, "hello?"

"Mommy?" Amanda questions.

"Hey! What'd you call me for baby?"

Justin stood watching me as I spoke, the word baby coming out as a surprise to him.

"Mommy! Auntie M said she has something to do today."

"What is it?"

"Umm.." It's quiet on the other line for a while. I can hear her voice become distant, asking Michelle what she had to do today.

"She has to go to work." Amanda says, her voice louder and closer now.

"Ok so she wants me to come pick you up?"

"Mhm. At...two."

I hold the phone against my chest, calling over Matt- or Justin- . I really have to find out what he wants me to call him...

"Justin what time is it?"

He scratches the back of his head and checks his watch, "About 1:55."

"Thanks." I answer before pulling the phone back up to my ear.

"I'll be there soon baby, ok, I love you!"

"I love you too mommy." She answers before hanging up.

I sigh, now he'll know too.

"Is there something wrong?" Justin asks taking my hand in his.

I smile,"No I just need to go home real quick. Would you mind coming? I would really like to spend time with you."

"Yeah that's cool." He states.

We decide to leave in his car, keeping my car here to be picked up later.

"What's your address?" He asks as he starts the ignition and the car revs to life.

I tell him my address, directing him along the way.


The car ride was fun. Atleast, there were no awkward silences. 

"So, Styles and you are a couple?" He asks causing my laughter to stop.

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