Chapter 17: Season 3

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Two Month's Later:
Rose's POV:

"You ready, love?" Klaus asked.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed as we got out of the car.

Two Months. Two antagonizingly long months is how long we've been stuck with Klaus, running all over the country trying to find one person. Not only is being dragged around place to place tiring, it's also Klaus' flirting which gets under my skin since sometimes it is charming, and Stefan's new found attitude. After the first few weeks of being with Klaus, Stefan had turned into a major dick. But anyways, so here Klaus, Stefan, and I were, in Tenessee, following up on another lead. Klaus put me on his back and we vamped to a house in the middle of no where as a girl was looking for her dog. When we got there she turned around and jumped when she saw us.

"We are so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you." Klaus said in a fake american accent, that in my opinion was a total turn off.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked rudly.

"Yeah, uh, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. We feel like we've been walking forever." Klaus smiled charmingly. "Your house is the first one we'd come to, so we were hoping we could use your phone."

"Don't you have a cell phone?" The girl asked curiously.

"Yeah, my phone's dead, and this idiot here dropped his in a puddle and now it won't turn on." I responded. "Could we please use your phone? We have family near by that might be able to help."

"Sure." The girl huffed turning around.

"So.... we can come in?" Klaus asked.

"No." The girl frowned. "I'll get the phone and bring it out to you."

"I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting." Klaus frowned, dropping the fake accent.

"I'm from Florida." The girl said with an attitude.

"You really shouldn't have done that." I chuckled to myself. "He hates attitude."

Klaus then vamped at the girl and grabbed her by the throat. This made me look away. This girl doesn't deserve this.

"Now show mw a little southern hospitality, sweet pea."

After the girl invited him in, Klaus dragged her inside with me following behind them.

"I bet you $100 that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." A lady said from the kitchen. However, when she turned around her smile turned to a frown when she saw us. "What's going on?"

"Please don't be alarmed." Klaus stated. "I'm told Ray Sutton lives here."

"He's almost never here." The girl frowned. "He's on the road mostly."

"Yeah, but he makes it home at least once a month, am I correct?" I asked making the girl clam up. "That's what we thought. Where is he? It would be better to tell us the honest truth because if not, I can't protect you."

The girl looked conflicted, but still refused to say anything.

"If I have to make you tell me, it'll be infinately more painful for you." Klaus warned.

The girl glared at Klaus before making a run for it through the other room. This made me close my eyes in annoyance. I tried to warn her, there's no protecting her now. She made it to the front door when we exited the kitchen, but she screamed when she saw Stefan at the door with an expressionless look on his face. The girl then looked at us scared.

"I love it when they run." Klaus smirked, looking at me.

"He's in Tulley. It's near the boarder. A bar called southern comfort, it's off highway 41." The girl revealed.

"Thank you, my dear." Klaus said then looked to the girl he was holding onto. "Now, may my friend come in?"

"Yes." The girl cried scared.

Stefan entered the house, and the hot summer air suddenly went cold.

"Kill this one quickly." Klaus said pushing the girl he had into Stefan. Klaus then wrapped his arm around my waiste. "Make that one suffer. We'll be in the car."

Klaus vamped us back to the car. But when we got there I jumped when I heard the woman's screams coming from the house a few miles away. I covered my ears, then I suddenly felt arms wrap around and hold me. I look up to come face to face with Klaus. Klaus sent me a small smile before kissing my cheek and held me against his chest comfortingly. I couldn't help but smile into his shoulder and like the feeling that his touch gave me. It feels like 100 tiny fireworks going off everytime we touch. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it this summer, I just can't help but enjoy it.


I suddenly jumped out of Klaus' hold to see Stefan frowning at us.

"Let's get going." Klaus mumbled before getting into the car.

Stefan looked from Klaus then to me. "Is there something going on?"

"No, of course not." I said unconvincingly. "Why would you ask such a stupid question?"

"Right." Stefan scoffed before getting into the passenger seat.

Sighing in defeat, I got into the back seat. The ride back to the hotel was really uncomfortable. Luckily when I got out I quickly ran to the room and was the first to hop into the shower. After cleaning up I cursed myself when I noticed I never grabbed any clothes before coming into the bathroom. I wrapped a towel tightly around me and walked out.

"Finally, you were in there forever." Stefan complained.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored him and grabbed some clothes, but right as I turned around the bathroom door slammed shut.

"Oh, come on Stef!" I complained knocking on the bathroom door. "I still have to get dressed!"

"Too bad!" Stefan stated from inside the bathroom.

Sighing I turn around to see Klaus laying on one of the beds smirking.

"Don't mind me love. I'll just take a nap."

"Funny. Leave." I said unamused.

"Make me." Klaus challenged.

"You shouldn't have said that." I smirked. I then used my magic and made him get off the bed and walk towards the door.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Klaus sighed, making me stop using my magic. Klaus put his hand on the door handle but looked back at me real quick. "There's a little something for you in my duffel bag. Happy Birthday, love."

And with that Klaus walked out the door. Curiosity got the best of me, and I opened the duffelbag to find a wrapped box. Smiling I open it to find a cute outfit. I instantly take the tags off and everything fit great! Once I finished getting changed Klaus came back in just as Stefan came out of the bathroom. I went back into the bathroom and did my hair and make up before we had to check out of the hotel and hit the road to get to the bar where Ray was.

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