Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV:
The Lockwood Mansion:

"There's a whole family of Originals?" Elena asked in shock.

"My father was a wealthy land owner in a village in Eastern Europe." Elijah explained. "Our mother bore seven children."

"So your parents were human?" Elena asked confused.

"Our whole family was." Elijah nodded. "Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know that we are the oldest vampires in the world. We are the original family, and from us all, vampires were created."

"Right, but Klaus is your brother." Elena stated. "And you want him dead?"

"I need some air." Elijah frowned. "I'm still feeling a tad..... dead. Come."

Elena rolled her eyes and followed Elijah outside.

"So as you've seen, nothing can kill an original." Elijah stated. "Not sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree; a tree my family made sure burned."

"That's where the ash for the dagger comes from." Elena realized.

"Yes." Elijah agreed. "The witches won't let anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance."

"So if the sun can't kill an original why does Klaus want to break the sun and moon curse?" Elena asked confused.

"Right." Elijah laughed. "The curse of the sun and the moon. Sounds so biblical sounding, don't you think?"

"What's so funny?" Elena frowned.

"The sun and moon cure, it's fake. It doesn't exist." Elijah said before continuing to walk.

"What?!" Elena demanded in shock.

Rose's POV:

After Klaus' and Natalia's first meet, everything came rushing forward in flashes. Klaus courting Natalia and Elijah courting Katherine. Natalia making best friends with Rebekah and Kol, Klaus and Elijah's younger siblings. Klaus and Natalia getting married, and Natalia finding out about Klaus and his family that they were vampires. And Katherine's transformation into a vampire.

That was until everything came to a stop. Natalia was in her room reading a book, waiting for Klaus to arrive back from his hunt.

Natalia felt like she was being watched. Then a cold chill went down her spine. Standing up, Natalia went and closed the window, but jumped when she turned around.

"Oh my," Natalia gasped. "Katerina, you gave me a fright."

"No time for chit chat little sister, they'll be back soon." Katherine said making Natalia frown.

"Katerina, what is going on?!" Natalia demanded.

"Your husband and his siblings are monsters!" Katherine hissed. "They've wanted to kill me! I have to protect you from them! We must leave!"

"Katerina, I know what they are, but they'd never harm us." Natalia frowned.

"Lies!" Katherine stated. "Now, if you won't come with me the easy way, I guess it'll have to be the hard way!"

Before Natalia could comprehend what happened next, Katherine already bit her wrist, making her sister drink her blood, and snapped her neck.

This caused me to gasp as I held my neck, feeling a slight pain as well.

What felt like hours was only 30 minutes before Natalia gasped for air.

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