Chapter 5

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Rosalie's POV:

My eyes fluttered open after I felt a hand shaking me. I looked over to see Damon.

"Come on, we're back at the house."

I nodded and climbed out from the back seat. I was wondering where Jeremy was, but my thoughts went out the window when Elena stormed up to us once we entered the house. I smirked to myself seeing how bruised her cheek was.

"What did you do with her?!" Elena demanded as if she cared.

"Would you calm her down please?" Damon asked Stefan annoyed.

"Don't talk like I'm not here!" Elena snapped.

"Could have fooled me." I scoffed sarcastically, making her glare at me.

"Rose, not helping." Damon glared then turned to Elena. "Please calm down."

"You both knew!" Elena accused. "You knew that if she harnessed all that power, that she would die, didn't you?!"

"Yes." Damon shrugged. "Yes, we knew."

"God!" Elena hissed glaring at me. "You're such a bitch! You ruin everything! Guuh!"

Once again my head whipped to the side, pain erupting in my cheek.

"That's the second fucking time you've hit me tonight." I hissed threateningly before launching myself at her, only to be caught and restrained by Damon. "Let me fucking go! I'll show this little bitch how to really hit!!!"

"Enough! Calm the hell down Rosalie!" Damon demanded, setting me down behind him before turning to Elena. "You need to listen to me, and be prepared for what I'm about to say." Damon turned to quickly look at me. "Both of you." Damon turned back to Elena. "Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that. And he wasn't going to stop, and we knew we weren't able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it."

"Oh my God!" I gasped as I started crying happy tears.

"She cast a different spell," Damon admitted. "Bonnie is okay."

I smiled and hugged Damon tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Everyone may think he's one of the bad ones, but he ends up saving more lives than what's taken in this town, no matter what anyone else thinks.

Damon hugged me back and kissed my head sweetly. I kissed his cheek before heading upstairs, called Bonnie making sure she was okay and got ready for bed.

Third Person's POV:

Damon was walking out of his bathroom when he saw Elena standing in his doorway.

"Ugh, look," Damon groaned, throwing his jacket on his bed. "Klaus had to think she was dead. Your and Rosalie's reactions had to be real."

"I understand why you did what you did," Elena smirked. "Klaus was fooled and Bonnie is alive."

"Duplicity at its finest." Damon shrugged.

"But let's get one thing straight Damon, " Elena started. "Bonnie will not die yet."

"We need to kill Klaus, Elena. Real Klaus." Damon frowned. "Who will probably be coming to pay you and your sister a visit soon now that he knows that Bonnie is dead. She's the only one who can do it."

"Then we'll find another way until then." Elena shrugged.

"I hope so." Damon shrugged.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted." Elena apologized.

"You should apologize to Rose." Damon said.

Elena rolled her eyes when Damon wasn't looking.

"But let me be clear about something." Damon started. "If it comes down to you and the witch again, I will gladly let Bonnie die. I will always choose you."

Elena looked away and smirked to herself before turning back to Damon with an innocent doe eye look. She stepped closer and kissed Damon's cheek.

Shocked, Damon pulled back for a second. Elena then leaned up and kissed his lips. Damon didn't do anything for a second but then pulled her closer by her waist. This lasted for a good few minutes before Elena pulled away.

"Goodnight, Damon." Elena said and walked out like nothing happened as she smirked to herself, making her way back to Stefan's bed.

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