Chapter 41

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The Next Morning
Rose's POV

According to Rebekah, Esther was throwing a ball for being reunited with her family. Once Rebekah got news of this, she dragged Kat and I out of bed, making us get ready with her.

So here we were in the family room, the boys were getting fitted, and us girls were getting our nails done.

"Girls, tell me how handsome I am." Kol said as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Oh Kol, you know we can't be compelled." Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"You went after Elena?" Klaus demanded, walking in. "What is wrong with you?"

"Here we go." Katherine sighed.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened.

"Again with the dagger threats?" Kol scoffed. "Don't you have any other tricks?"

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus frowned.

"And who are you, my father?" Kol retorted.

"No, Kol." Klaus said turning to his little brother. "But you're in my house!"

"The perhaps we should go outside." Kol stated as they got in each other's face's.

"Okay, boys." I sighed, standing up and went to lightly push them back by their chests. "Stop."

"Enough!" Esther frowned, grabbing their attention. "Niklaus, come."

Klaus sighed following Esther out making Kol smirk, but his smirk dropped when I stood there crossing my arms with a frown.

"What?" Kol asked innocently.

"You know what." I glared. "You can be upset at your brother all you want, but he loves you guys, even if he doesn't show it. Give him some slack, I bet he's trying harder than he's ever have before to get you to forgive him."

"Fine." Kol sighed, going back to getting fitted for his tux.

"Good one, sis." Katherine smirked.

"Thank God for having more girls in the house." Rebekah commented.

"Right." I laughed, getting my nails finished up.

"Alright, my nails are done. I have to go hand out invites, want to come?" Rebekah asked.

"Sure." I nodded.

"Same, I have to go pick out a dress anyways." Katherine stated.

So with that Rebekah grabbed her purse and the invites and we headed into town, it took us a few good hours to pass most of them out, and Kat had found a dress. We were now at the Grill ready to hand out the last of the invites when we walked near Caroline and Elena.

"I'm sorry." Elena apologized. "It all used to be so much easier."

"Careful, Caroline." Rebekah stated. "It's all well and good until she stabs you in the back."

"What are you guys doing here?" Elena glared. "I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals."

"Get over yourself, Elena." Katherine snapped as Rebekah walked away to Matt. "It's not all about you."

"Besides, we're not here for you." I frowned as I gave Caroline the last invite. "I hope to see you there, I felt like we haven't hung out in forever."

"I'll be there." Caroline smiled.

"What?" Elena frowned.

"It's just a party, Elena." Caroline shrugged.

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