Chapter 27

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The Next Day
Rose's POV:

Rebekah was pissed off. Apparently a little while after we went to get the truck, Klaus sent us a text that he was leaving us here in Mystic Falls.

I couldn't be happier but I did start to miss Klaus. Luckily Rebekah still had the key to the bracelet so she did what a good friend would and took it off so I could use my magic again. Rebekah and I ended up meeting Jenna and Jeremy for dinner at the Grill and they loved Rebekah. At least we can have some normal in this town. Ric had also moved in with us over the summer while I was gone, but it's good to hear he'll be around more. After dinner Rebekah begged me to stay at a hotel with her.

By this morning I heard around that it was the first day of school, and Rebekah always wanted the high school experience, so we did a little school shopping before heading to the Salvatore House to grab my book bag and to put our things away.

"He left us here!" Rebekah complained as she barged into the house making me shake my head. "I can't believe my brother actually left us here!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Stefan frowned. "Your tone actually implies that I'm supposed to care?"

"What the hell has you in a mood?" I frowned.

"Who are you, my mother?" Stefan asked cockily making me raise an eyebrow at Damon who now stood next to me.

"Klaus compelled him to turn off his humanity." Damon sighed.

"No." I frowned.

"Yup." Damon frowned. "Welcome back Douchebag Ripper Stefan."

"Great, just great." I sighed.

"So your Klaus' sister?" Damon asked.

"Rebekah. Pleasure I'm sure." She smiled at Damon before turning back to Stefan. "Which one's my room?"

"You're not staying here." Stefan smirked then pointed to me. "Klaus' pet already has her own room here and that's bad enough."

"Keep it up douchebag." I glared. "I dare you."

"Rude." Rebekah said then looked back to Damon who shrugged. "Both of you."

"Come on, there's a spare room you can stay in that's next to mine." I said, nodding my head upstairs.

"Well, I guess she's staying here." Stefan shrugged as we walked upstairs. After we were done getting ready Rebekah and I headed to the school and she compelled the office to enroll the both of us and we got our schedules. We were already late so we headed to second period history with Ric.

"Welcome back,seniors." Ric smiled. "Let's, uh, turn our brains back on, starting with this country's orginal founders the Native American's,"

"What about the Vikings?" Rebekah asked as we walked in and took the last two seats in the front row causing Elena to glare at me.

"Well, there's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Ric said then frowned. "Who are you?"

"My name's Rebekah." She smiled. "I'm new and history is my favorite subject."

Ric looked at me skeptically and I nodded, letting him know she was a vampire.

The rest of class went by smoothly but with some obvious tension. Rebekah and I split up to go to seperate classes, so I headed to my locker. I closed my locker when I got everything out and jumped seeing Caroline on the other side, a frown and crossed arms.

"Care to explain why Klaus' sister is here?" Caroline frowned.

"He left us in the dust after Damon name dropped Mikael. You know, out of all people, I thought you'd be the happiest that I'm back safe and unharmed." I frowned.

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