Chapter 24

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Rose's POV:
The Next Day:

After spending all night trying to find Rebekah's necklace I ended up giving up and suggesting we have Gloria try to look for it.

Now we were doing some major wardrobe upgrades for Rebekah so she doesn't look she time traveled from the 1920's. I'm not complaining though as Rebekah wants me to shop as well, both of us using Klaus' card.

"There's got to be more to this dress!" Rebekah complained from the dressing room next to mine.

"There's not." Klaus sighed as him and Stefan were sitting drinking champagne.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then." Rebekah stated as she walked out of her dressing room.

"Pretty much, Bex." I said as I changed into my new outfit.

"You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing." Klaus commented.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident." Rebekah said, complaining once again.

"It's dance music." Stefan informed.

"People dance to this?"

"Are we done?" Klaus asked.

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah snapped.

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace, and you lost it." Klaus snapped back.

"I didn't loose it, it's just been missing for 90 years." Rebekah said simply. "So what do you think?"

"I like it." Stefan said, obviously lying. He's a terrible liar. "What? I said I like it."

"I can always tell when your lying Stefan." Rebekah stated before going back to her dressing room.

"Nice one, good work." Klaus mocked.

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her." Stefan shot back.

"I heard that." Rebekah stated.

"Be nice." I groaned. "All of you!"

I then had enough courage and stepped out of the dressing room.

"Damn." I heard Stefan mutter making me smirk a bit as Klaus glared daggers at Stefan.

"What do you guys think?" I asked. "Too tight? Not my color? You hate it?"

"You look gorgeous, love." Klaus said making me blush.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get some fresh air." Stefan grumbled as he walked out.

I rose an eyebrow at Klaus causing him to shrug and smirk as he poured himself more champagne.

I went to head back to the dressing room.

"What are you doing, sweetheart?" Klaus asked.

"Going to change?" I said as if it wasn't obvious.

"Don't, consider it already paid for." Klaus said holding up the tags.

"You sir, are sneaky." I chuckled.

"You don't know the half of it." Klaus winked.

"Ew! Vomit!" Rebekah shouted from the dressing room.

"Then don't ease drop." I laughed as I grabbed my purse and clothes from the dressing room. I then walked back out and drank the rest of Klaus' champagne.

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