Chapter 48

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The Next Day
Rose's POV:

I ended up at Alaric and Jenna's apartment for the night. Jenna was more than happy to have me stay since Alaric had to be put in the cellar of the Salvatore Boarding House since his alter ego had moved the last white oak stake. Jenna had stayed up with me and let me cry on her shoulder about Klaus until I ended up passing out on the couch.

When I woke up Jenna and I got ready for the day, went out for breakfast, then packed a bag for Ric before heading over to the Salvatore's.

"Ric?" Jenna asked through the door.

"Yep?" Ric answered. "Still me."

I unlocked the door and we went inside.

"Rose, what are you doing here?" Ric asked.

"Thought I'd come give your crazy ass a visit." I said making him chuckle.

"Thanks." Ric nodded. "But there's something else. Did that hyrid dick hurt you?"

"You could say that." I shrugged. "We broke up. Well, I left him."

"I'm sorry to hear that kiddo." Ric said pulling me into a hug. "As much as I live seeing the both of you, you know you two shouldn't be in here. It's dangerous. Kind of defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing."

"Well, you still need the basics." I shrugged.

"Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep." Jenna said setting the duffelbag down on the bag next to him.

"Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" Alaric frowned at us.

"What, no I got- -" Jenna said taking the book, reading the cover before scoffing. "Damon. Thinks he's hilarious."

"At least one of us still has a sense of humor." Ric smirked.

"Are you sure that you, I mean, you don't have to be kept in here like a crazed animal." I frowned.

"Oh, no. This is the right place for me to be." Ric assured. "At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I , or, he hid the white oak stake."

"We looked everywhere." Jenna sighed. "The other you hid it well."

"What's Klaus going to do if we can't find it?" Ric asked.

"It's the only thing that'll kill him, so, wage war? Murder people?" I sighed. "The usual Klaus stuff."

"Listen, us and Stefan are going to watch over you for a while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, and considering he's extra mad we have a stake and that Rose is now gone to make sure he thinks sanely, it's not safe." Jenna stated. "Elena, Damon, and Lexi are going to go get him in Denver."

"What?!" I frowned. "Stefan really let her decide this?! What did he have to say about it?"

"Actually it was his idea." Jenna added.

This had me about to shit bricks. "Is he okay? Like seriously? Has he lost it? This is manipulator Elena and puppy eyed Damon we're talking about!"

"Actually, I say let it play out." Alaric said making Jenna and I look at him like he's nuts. "Not that it's right, but Elena has been getting sloppy about keeping up appearances since you got back with Klaus. It's only a matter of time until she reveals her true self to everyone else."

"He's got a point." Jenna nodded. "Maybe it was Stefan's plan all along."

"Maybe." I smirked. Good job Stef!

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