Chapter 3: Gringotts

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Aunt Petunia stopped the car and Harry opened his door. 

"Go into the pub. Back door," his aunt grunted. Harry just smiled sweetly in response and skipped down to the dark store called "The Leaky Cauldron." He shifted his bangs so his hair covered his scar and walked in. The inside was rustic at best. The wooden stairs looked wobbly and the teacups were chipped. Couldn't the wizards do better? Shouldn't they have household spells or something? Harry shook his head and walked out the back, ignoring the curious looks people were sending him. He was, after all, only 5 years old. He stepped out into a small back porch, ready to see the true delights of the magical world. Instead, he was greeted with a brick wall. What in the-These people seem to really love secret passages. He pushed his magic into his eyes. A green glow surrounded a few of the bricks briefly before disappearing. Pushing power into his hand he touched the bricks, waiting as they collapsed in on themselves, revealing a busy-looking alley filled with colorful shops. People bustled around in robes and strange-looking attire, some of them completing the look with pointed hats. Harry pursed his lips before plastering on the frightened look of a child and walking up to one of the people.

"Ex-excuse me?" The woman he had chosen to approach was wearing scruffy-looking robes and was carrying a bag full of worn-down school supplies. She had red hair and was surrounded by multiple red-haired children. He quickly used his hand to open his eyes really wide, causing water to fill them rapidly.

"Ye- Oh! Are you alright, young man? Where are your parents?" 

"They were going to Gringotts but I lost them in the crowd." Harry cleared his throat, realizing he didn't sound nearly childish enough. "Can you show me wh-where the bank is?" He began crying pitifully. Well, not really. All he did was screw up his face and stutter a bit, but it worked for Dudley, why not him? 

"Oh, of course! It's right over there, you see? The big white building? You can't miss it. Would you like me to walk you?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you, ma'am. Have a nice day." He folded his hands and began walking towards it, leaving her behind, bewildered. Harry walked briskly through the doors, ignoring the sign outside. He came up to one of the goblins and said

"I'd like to take an inheritance test please." The teller looked up. 


"Harry Potter." The goblin raised his eyebrows. 

"Alright then. Follow me."

He jumped down from his chair and hobbled out of the hall waving his hand for Harry to follow. He was led to an archway with different bookshelves lining the walls. The goblin opened a few drawers, removing a piece of parchment and a small knife. He laid both items on the table.

"Blood, please." Harry picked up the knife and punctured his finger, allowing a few drops of blood to fall on the paper before the wound closed up. The blood began to expand and write on the parchment, forming letters and numbers.

Harrison James Potter


Slytherin  - By right of conquest

Ravenclaw - Through Lily Potter (mother)

Potter - Through James Potter (father)

Black heir - Through [Redacted]


Slytherin Family Vault

Ravenclaw Family Vault

Potter Trust Fund (1500 galleons deposited monthly)

Potter Family Vault (locked until of age or emancipated)

Black Family Vault

Black Trust Fund (1500 galleons deposited monthly

Magical Affinities:

Semi - Natural Occlumens - Currently Locked

Water Elemental - Currently Locked

Metamorphagus - From Black heirship, visit Black Family Vault to unlock

Harry pointed to the "locked" status of his metamorph, water elemental, and occlumens abilities. 

"What are those and how do I unlock them." The goblin looked like he had swallowed something unpleasant. 

"A metamorph is someone who can change their appearance at will. A water elemental is self-explanatory, and occlumency is the art of protecting the mind against legilimency. I would guess that to unlock your occlumency abilities you'd have to learn a more in-depth version of what it is, and for the water elemental I'm not sure." 

"I'd like to go down to the Black Family Vault please." The goblin grunted and grabbed a vaguely phone-shaped object from a desk and began speaking rapidly in a different language. A few moments later, a different goblin came in.

"Follow me." Harry fell in step with the creature and climbed into a cart. Said cart began moving, gaining speed fast. It took his full effort not to throw up. When they climbed out of the cart, the goblin looked a bit disappointed. 

"Blood, please."  Did everything require blood around here? Nevertheless, he bit his finger and pressed it down against the door whirred open. Inside were giant piles of gold, silver, and copper coins. A shelf on one side of the room was stuffed with books. Another part was cluttered with glass cases. 

"What are the gold and silver ones?"

"Galleons and sickles." Harry nodded to himself and filled his backpack with coins. When he finished, he walked over to the bookshelf and began sifting through them, looking for something to help him with his new ability. He found two that seemed interesting: "Occlumency for Beginners" and "A Book for a Newfound Metamorph." He grabbed those as well and made his way over to the cases. Harry stretched out his magic, surrounding the jewelry. Some of them felt extremely light and some way too dark. His magic didn't seem to react well to the light ones and many of the dark ones seemed cursed. Picking out an emerald amulet that seemed just in between, he headed out and sat in the cart. 

"I'm finished." 5 minutes later Harry Potter left the Wizarding bank with newfound knowledge and potential.

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