Chapter 15: Magical Rules

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Transfiguration was such an exciting topic. Turning a useless item into something you actually wanted was a fantastic concept. However, it was somewhat limiting. 

According to one of the books Harry had picked up, Apprentice's Transfiguration, it was impossible to create a transfigured object that would stay transfigured forever. Additionally, you couldn't transfigure an object into galleons, sickles, or knuts.

Well. Those wouldn't stay impossible for long. 

The laws of magic were something like the laws of physics. Since discovering the world of witches and wizards, the laws of physics were void. There had to be something he would be able to do to bypass annoying and unnecessary magic rules that hindered his ability to accomplish and learn.

So, this is why, on a lovely Saturday morning, Harry Potter was in the library surrounded by books. Multiple thick tomes were lying open, and several miscellaneous s papers were crumpled and thrown away on the floor. He was presently writing notes on a piece of parchment, taking great care to make each letter neat, even through his haste. It was only 9 am. He had been working for 3 hours. Someone was bound to go looking for him.

So, it was no surprise when, 3 minutes later, Blaise and Daphne walked into the library, carrying an assortment of breakfast treats. As they pulled out chairs, Harry barely glanced up at them to see who had sat down, only mumbling a quick morning before refocusing on his work.

Blaise and Daphne exchanged a look.

"We brought you cinnamon rolls," Daphne offered. She peered over his shoulder. "What are you doing anyway?" 

"Researching the laws of magic," Harry said as he clipped his current parchment into his private research binder's "Magic Laws" section. He might be in a bit of a rush, but he was nothing if organized. "I've just finished for today. Would either of you like to look around the castle with me? For research purposes," he added. Blaise, who had just begun to look excited, seemed rather glum at the addition of research. 

"Research purposes. Well. Whatever. It's still exploring." 

"Okay," Harry said, rolling his eyes. "Let me get my things together and I'll meet you in front of the Great Hall in 20 minutes." He collected his things and began walking back to his dorm to get dressed, fighting a smile. My first real friends. 

Exactly 19 minutes later, Harry was waiting outside the Great Hall. He carried a small satchel with a few pens and the notebook he had picked up at Flourish and Blotts. 30 seconds before they're late. Just in time, Daphne and Blaise entered the hall, chatting as they approached him.

Blaise seemed extremely excited. 

"My late step-father told me all about the secret passageways and rooms in Hogwarts," he said. "Did you know that some time ago, your father made a map of the whole place? It was also charmed with lots of cool secrets, according to my stepdad."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I wonder who has it now. Maybe it's in the Gringotts vault." 

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's go already." She grabbed both boys by their wrists and tugged them toward the doors.

It quickly became very apparent that Blaise was the most knowledgeable among the three of them, where the castle was concerned. He had been leading them around for close to an hour, Harry furiously scribbled down notes on the castle's magic. The Great Hall's ceiling that reflected the sky was of great interest, as were the secret passageways that took them from one end of the castle in seconds. Perhaps it was teleportation, similar to the train platform. 

As they walked, Harry began contemplating his project. Perhaps it would be better to try out things that had already been accomplished rather than diving right into discovering new things. 

Maybe a door that took him to different places throughout the castle? That would work. He could test more magic when decorating it, like making it look out into those places, like a camera that he could move around without actually being there. Yes, that sounds good.

"And I saved the best for last," Blaise grinned mischievously. "Follow me." As they trailed behind him quietly, Daphne and Harry exchanged nervous glances. Hopefully, whatever Blaise had in store wasn't anything dangerous. They cautiously followed him as approached a large painting of a pear, and began...tickling it???

"Um... Blaise?" Daphne said tentatively. "What are you doing?"

Blaise grinned. "I know, I know, it looks insane, but just trust me for a minute." As soon as he finished talking, the pear began laughing and tumbling around its frame. The large picture slowly creaked open to reveal an enormous room.

There were giant tables lining the walls, but although they were abnormally long, they were also very stout, as if made for someone 2 or 3 feet tall. Bowls were being magically mixed, and ingredients were pouring themselves and forming all sorts of amazing treats. And, to Harry, it seemed like a room completely automated by magic.. Until he looked down. Across the floor, hundreds of tiny goblin-like creatures were busily walking around, having not noticed them yet. Their attention all seemed focused on a particular point of the room, where around 50 were carrying platters and chattering excitedly to three people. Three very, very, familiar people. 

Hiiiii :) Thank you so much for 2k likes on this story!!! I'm a bit surprised that people actually like it since I never really considered myself that good of an author, but I've really enjoyed developing my writing style and becoming better at creating stories. Also, thanks so much to everyone who comments such nice things, it really makes my day and encourages me to continue writing!

I am, however, sort of having writer's block on what I want to do with this fic. If you have any suggestions or plot ideas, feel free to comment on them, and I'll do my best to make them happen! Also-would anyone be interested in reading a compilation of one-shots? 

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