Chapter 11: The Sorting

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Finally the train stopped. Harry put his clothes back into his suitcase before quickly shrinking it and placing it in his pocket. To Hogwarts then. He stepped out of his compartment, getting in line with the rest of the students. A big man with a beard was in front, yelling for the first years.

"Righ' this way." Soon after, they all got into row boats, and you could see the castle in the distance. Harry got into a boat with a skinny brown haired boy and a girl with long platinum blonde hair. He smiled at them politely, and got into the boat. They sat in silence for a moment, waiting for the rest of their soon-to be classmates to get into the boats. The large man looked around.

"Ev'ryone in? Great." He pointed forwards, and suddenly all of the boats jerked forwards. The blonde girl was looking rather green. Harry cleared his throat, thinking of how to start conversation. 

"So. Pretty exciting, first year at Hogwarts and all." The brown haired boy nodded slowly.

"Yeah. What house are you hoping for?" Why was that everyone's first question?

"Slytherin or Ravenclaw." Pleasedon'tjudgepleasedon'tjudgepleasedon'tjudge

"Good choices. I'm hoping for Slytherin myself." Phew.

"Me as well," the girl said, entering the conversation. "Daphne Greengrass, by the way." Harry smiled politely. 

"Nice to meet you." Suddenly, a giant head rose out of the water, rocking the boats and pushing them to the side. A portly boy whom Harry vaguely remembered seeing at the train station feel into the water, and came up a second later gasping for air. He was pulled back into the boat by the red haired boy and the curly haired girl from the train, pale as a sheet. Daphne stifled a laugh. 

"Everyone knows that the giant squid doesn't attack the students. Longbottom should know that by now, he's pureblood for 15 generations back." Harry nodded in agreement. If the boy had been muggleborn, like he had originally assumed, then whatever, you're new to the society. But as a pureblood, he had probably been immersed in stories of Hogwarts since birth, and should therefore already know about the giant squid. Harry tuned back into the conversation, which had turned to magical schooling.

"I almost went to Beauxbatons," Blaise said. "My mother's Italian, but a lot of her cousins and relatives go there." Daphne nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it seems like a nice place. Pretty, at the very least."

"Wasn't there another one? Durmstrang?" Harry asked curiously. 

"Well, yeah, but no one knows where it is," said Blaise. "A lot of people don't want to send their kids to a place they can't get to in case of emergency. Some people trust the headmaster's abilities though, which is why they have any students at all."

Daphne looked around cautiously. "People say he used to be a Death Eater. It's a dark arts school," she whispered.

Harry's face twisted slightly. He had read about Death Eaters-followers of Voldemort. Voldemort who had killed his parents. 

"Sounds like a terrible place." Blaise looked slightly offended at that, but made no comment.

The rest of the ride was spent in an awkward silence, no one quite knowing what to say. When the boats finally docked, they walked together to the doors. Looking around, Harry recognized exactly three people. The arrogant brown haired girl from the train, the redhead, and the rude blonde. 

"We searched the entire train, and there's no sign of him at all," the blonde one was whining to his two companions. "Where is he?" Then the redhead marched over to them angrily.

"Malfoy, you have no business trying to find Harry Potter. All you'll do is try and murder him, just like your despicable 'lord.'" The was a collective intake of breath from the watching crowd. The now named Malfoy turned around and sneered.

"Well Weasley, that's a serious accusation to make. Like you'd be any better, fawning over him and hoping he'll spare you some money for new robes." Weasley was steadily turning red, and was about to start a full blown fight when a regal looking woman in green robes came through the doors.

"Come children. It's time for the sorting." Weasley and Malfoy quickly quieted and followed the woman with the rest of the students. Harry tuned out the awed murmurs of his muggleborn classmates, looking up at the enchanted ceiling and trying to figure out how to do the same for his own room. One by one, kids were called up to a chair on top of an elevated platform.

Abbot, Hannah was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Davis, Tracy was sorted into Slytherin.

The brown haired girl, Hermione Granger, as well as Ron Weasley, were sorted into Gryffindor.

Daphne, Malfoy, and Blaise were sorted into Slytherin.

When Potter, Harry was called, all noise stopped. When he walked up, Malfoy's face twisted in rage, and Weasley looked personally offended.

When the hat was placed on his head, Harry panicked. He could feel the unknown presence slithering past his mental barriers, but before he could pull it off his head, a voice sounded.

Calm down. I'm a magical artifact charmed by the founders, I can get past any barriers. 

Just do whatever you're supposed to do and get out of my head.

The hat obliged. After only a few moments, it called out Harry's new house.


Many apologies for not updating in so long! I'll be completely honest, I forgot about this story and have been doing many things in school. I'll try to update as often as I can!

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