Chapter 12: Sorting Aftermath

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As Harry took the cursed hat off of his head, he finally registered how quiet the room had become. There was no cheering, as there had been for the others. There was no disgust, as the Gryffindors had expressed when Malfoy entered Slytherin. Just pure shock. Oh well. 

Like all his problems in life, Harry chose to ignore it until it became bad enough to garner his attention. He walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to the only people he knew-Blaise and Daphne. They looked at him, gaping, before recovering and remembering their manners. Daphne smiled shakily.

"Well, you never told us your name. Welcome to Slytherin, Potter." Harry grinned back.

"Good to be here. Have you noticed, everyone staring at me like I'm an alien?"  Blaise cleared his throat nervously in response.

"I suppose everyone expected you to be in Gryfinndor, you know, like your parents." Harry turned, smiling sunnily. 

"Well, I'm not my parents, now am I?"

The two took a moment to adjust, before smiling back and starting a conversation regarding classes and preferred teachers, based on what their parents had told them. 

"Snape favors the Slytherin house immensely, so there won't be any problems there."

"But McGonagall is supposed to be super strict." 

It went on like this for a while, the three eating while Daphne and Blaise talked, Harry adding things only occasionally.  While they chatted, Harry took the opportunity to observe those around him, making a mental profile of them in his mind as he listened in on their conversations.

Draco Malfoy: Stuck up pureblood, loves apples. Go-to threat is "My father will hear about this."

Pansy Parkinson:  Born into the Parkinson family, members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Obsessed with Malfoy. Marriage contract? 

Harry went on categorizing people like this for some time, until a clinking sound came from the high table. 


To be completely truthful, Harry zoned out only a few seconds into the speech. Dumbledore rambled on about metaphors and hallways and nitwits for some time, until at last he finished just as Harry felt himself dozing off. 

The Slytherins gathered neatly in a line, following one of the older students (a prefect) down a flight of stairs to their dorms.

"Did you know our rooms are in the dungeons?" Blaise whispered to Daphne and Harry.

"You reckon it'll be cold down there?" Daphne asked nervously. Harry nodded, agreeing.

"Probably, but we can always cast warming charms." Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"Warming charms are overrated. Much more comfortable to snuggle into a pile of blankets." At this, the trio went silent again, Blaise thinking of which stores to buy blankets from, Daphne thinking of the best warming charms, and Harry thinking about how the snakes engraves on the walls looked more like worms. 

After a minute or so, the group stopped at a bare stone wall.

"The password's Parsletounge-" a prefect who looked as if he might have a bit of troll blood in him was speaking, and as he said the word "Parsletounge" the wall behind him opened up like a gate "-and don't you forget it. Password changes every week or so, and if you can't keep up you'll get locked out until someone competent takes pity on you." 

The prefect smiled at them. "Good luck everyone!"

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