Chapter 10: The Train

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The structure was identical, but things such as the people, luggage, familiars/pets, and scarlet steam engine were starkly different. All the witches and wizards were walking around with pointed hats But that's not what Harry was thinking about. The main question was how did he get here?

It was either a pocket dimension or a sort of instant teleportation ward that any magical person could use. That opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. If the pocket dimension one was true, he could have numerous secret rooms and exits in seemingly impossible places. If the instant teleportation one was correct, then he could do a similar thing but have all the rooms and entrances miles even countries away. He was knocked out of his planning when an elderly witch tapped his shoulder.

"You're blocking the entrance, dearie. Someone is bound to run into you soon." Harry flushed a bit, before quickly apologizing and moving towards the train. Why a train though? Surely there's a faster and more comfortable form of transportation out there. But he boarded the train and entered a compartment. Thankfully, it was empty. Harry wasn't in the mood to make small talk.

He opened a new book he had gotten, titled Magical and Muggle Creatures: The Most Powerful, and began reading it. Since Hogwarts was in the Highlands of Scotland, so he had a long ride ahead of him. Just as he was finishing the introduction, a redheaded boy poked his head into the compartment. 

"Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." Harry frowned, waving him in. It was a magical train. Where was all the pocket dimension stuff he had seen at the station? 

The redhead sat down.

"Ron Weasley." 


Silence enveloped them. 

"So... What house do you think you'll be in?" Harry thought a moment. 

"I don't know. Probably either Ravenclaw or Slytherin." Weasley's eyes widened a bit before his face contorted a little in disgust. They didn't talk for the rest of the ride, and about halfway through Weasley got up and left, not even taking the time to think up an excuse. Not like Harry cared. He went back to reading his book. Not even ten minutes later, a blonde boy opened the compartment door.

"Is it true?" the boy said. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?" Harry's eye twitched. Now he remembered. This was the boy from The Leaky Cauldron and Madame Malkins. He plastered on a polite smile.

"No, I'm Harry, but my last name isn't Potter. Harry James." It was Malfoy's turn to be disgusted. 

"He's a mudblood. Come on, Goyle, Crabbe." He and his minions walked out and shut the door behind him. Harry watched them leave indifferently. Well, it seemed as though they weren't exactly destined for friendship then. 

Harry was about to go back to his book, but he stopped himself and frowned, remembering how the bartender at the Leaky Cauldron had reacted when he brought up the Malfoy. They were are rich pureblood family. Probably would have been good not the antagonize the heir. Of course, Harry wasn't about to start up a friendship with someone who had just insulted him, but next time trying harder might work in his favor. And back to the book.

A half-hour later, Harry had finished Magical and Muggle Creatures: The Most Powerful. The Chimera was one of the most powerful magical creatures. Reading about an animal with so many different aspects was extremely interesting. Maybe transfiguring himself to have different animal aspects was a possibility.

And another was the siren. From what he had read, the Siren's ability to charm people into a sense of false security with their voice was an ability that had nothing to do with the rest of their physical appearance. The important part was their lungs, and voice boxes. Being able to change his voice to match that of the sirens would be immensely helpful, but the only way Harry could think of changing that was by cutting open his throat, which wasn't something he was exactly eager to do. 

Harry placed his book back in a bottomless carry-on bag, took out a notebook and pen, and started writing down his new schemes. After finishing, Harry sat patiently on his seat and waited for the train to arrive. Soon enough, yet another person entered the compartment.

"I'm looking for a toad," a curly brown-haired girl said. "Have you seen it?" Harry looked over at her.

"No, but you should ask one of the upper years to use a summoning charm. It might come to them." The girl's eyes widened. She obviously hadn't thought of that. 

"Yes, I was just about to go do that. Thanks for reminding me." Harry's eye twitched minutely. 

"And you should change into your robes. We'll be arriving soon." She twirled around and left the compartment. 

Harry sighed. It seemed as though everyone going to Hogwarts was obnoxious and rude. Well, time to go change then.

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