Chapter 2: Authority

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Harry fingered the doorknob of 4 Privet Drive for a moment before opening it. He was aware that his "family" would accuse him of cheating on the test, as they couldn't accept that he might be smarter than their little Diddykins, and then Vernon would lock him in his cupboard and not give him food for days. Normally, he would simply accept this and use his limited power to unlock the door and sneak some food from the fridge. But he now had much better control over his abilities, and the Dursleys were beginning to get on his nerves. But he had no idea if he was capable of mind control. When he got in, Vernon was red face and spluttering as expected. He yelled at him, taking out his anger.

"BOY! HOW DID YOU GET BETTER MARKS THAN DUDLEY?! DID YOU CHEAT?!" Vernon continued to shout, growing redder and redder. When he finally exhausted himself, he swung his fat fist at Harry, whose eyes flashed dangerously. The green seemed to glow as he flicked his wrist in his uncle's direction. His fist stopped and his fingers pulled back unnaturally.

"Freak! St-stop that!" Petunia shrieked, as her husband's face contorted in pain. Harry's expression looked blank, seemingly indifferent to the agony he was causing. Flicking his hand once more, the Dursleys were pushed back onto the couch.

"WE WILL NOT TOLERA-" Vernon wasn't able to finish before his nephew raised his hand threateningly.

"You will. Indeed, I have a few conditions if you want to continue your life 'normally.' Unless you follow my rules, going to prison for child abuse and neglect will be the least of your problems." Harry hissed. How dare they, weak, ordinary people threaten him. It seemed his plans would be completed much earlier than he originally intended. "First. You will move all of my things to Dudley's second bedroom."

Dudley, whose tiny brain had just caught up with what Harry was saying, argued. 

"I don't want him to" He was silenced when his mother slapped him, whispering frantically to her son. His eyes teared up, but he was silent.

"Second of all, you will leave me alone. You will provide me with food and such, but do not call me unless you need me, which does not include doing chores or cooking food. I mean things like if someone trying to kill you.

"Thirdly, don't try calling the authorities. I will know, and I can erase their memories if need be." Harry wasn't actually sure if he could, but it was a good intimidation tactic.

"Finally. You will tell me all you know about my powers. Begin." Petunia bit her lip but began speaking.

"Your mother was Lily Potter nee Evans. The rest of our family was a perfectly normal middle-class family. But my sister was not. Weird things always happened to her. When she cut herself with a knife while cutting the cake, it healed up right away. She could turn flowers into different colors, and so on. When she was eleven she got the dreaded letter. She went to Hogwarts and learned-" here she shuddered "-magic. My knowledge of the wizarding world is pretty limited. There is a bank called Gringotts, children go to magic school, and they have their own government. "Muggle" means a non-" Her face contorted again. "...magical.That's all I know."

Harry nodded. "Thank you. Tomorrow you will show me this 'wizarding bank.'"

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