Chapter 8: School Supplies

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Harry was once again in Diagon Alley. Even though he had visited throughout the years to update his belonging and see how things were going, this was the second time he had had a big shopping spree like today. 

Mokeskin bag? Check. Back during his first trip, he had acquired a bottomless bag that he was going to use to put all his supplies in. Harry didn't quite know if an owl would survive in it, so he was going to save that for last. Well, the first thing on his list... Clothes. To Madame Malkin's it was.

Upon arriving, Harry saw one other boy getting fitted. He was getting a strange sense of deja vu... Platnum blond hair, sneering face, arrogant attitude... Where had he seen that before? Harry shrugged and stepped over to one of the assisstants. 

"Hello, I need to purchase a Hogwart's uniform." She beamed at him, gesturing towards a rack of clothing.

"Right this way. You can grab whatever you need and them come up to get fitted and add on any extra things." Harry nodded in response and made his way over to where she had pointed. Robes, hat, gloves, and cloak. And, while he was here, a few pairs of socks as well. Harry piled up all the clothing and brought them over to the counter.

"Hello dearie. Ready to be fitted, I presume?" asked Mme.Malkin jotted down some notes on her pad. After a few moments she was finished, and ripped off the sheet, giving it to an assistant before looking back at Harry.

"Would you like any charms added to that?" Harry scrunched up his face.

"What charms do you have?"

"Self cleaning, paper-weight, anti-dust, and tracking charms. The tracking one would be keyed to you magic, so you would know where your things are at all times. Each is an additional 5 galleons." 

Harry opened his mouth to respond, and then paused. The idea of someone messing with his magic didn't sound very appealing, so that one was out.

"All of them except for the tracking one, please." It was expensive, but if they were giving them out like this for 5 galleons each, they must be pretty hard to preform, otherwise they wouldn't be making a profit. Mme.Malkin smiled at him before grabbing the clothes and walking into a room behind the counter. A few minutes later, she came out with them all folded a piled into a neat stack.

"That'll be 50 galleons please." Harry handed over the money before placing his purchases carefully in his pouch. He walked out of the store, looking over his list once more. Back to that stupid bookstore then. What was it called again? Flour's Blotts? Whatever.

Harry made his way through the crowd in Diagon Alley, pushing his bangs over his forehead to hide his scar. It was funny how no one noticed him. Back during the last time he had been here, all of the books that claimed to tell the story of his life depicted his a this scrawny kid with messy black hair. To be honest, the person on those covers was sort of ugly. But here he was. Flourish and Blotts was it? Hopefully they fired that rude employee. 

Harry entered the store and walked straight past the worker who was filling the shelves with books. Sort of rude, but he wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone who worked at this horrid establishment. Harry quickly picked out all of his books. Some of them he already had, but book shopping was something he thoroughly enjoyed. Something about new books really excited him. 

Plopping down said books on the counter, a lady behind the desk-different than last time, mind you-rung up all of his things and gave them to him. No words were exchanged, and it was a quick and efficient way of doing things. Huh. Maybe the place really has changed. And now to get all of those random items at the bottom of the list...

After gathering up a telescope, a cauldron, 1 set of crystal phials, and 1 set brass scales, Harry had completed his school shopping. Although a trip to Knockturn might be in order... He had finished all of his books on occlumency and legilimency (something he had picked up over the years), so he needed that. Although, now that he was of age, maybe becoming an animagi would be easier? During all of his 6 years of knowing magic, Harry had still not been able to find his animal counterpart. Well then, Knocturn it is. 

Upon enterin Knockturn Alley, Harry quickly put up his hood and constructed his disguise. In the future, he would try to make a name for himself, but lately he just hadn't had much time. In Hogwarts, when his magic became a little more mature, everything would be easier and he could do more things. 

Harry quickly opened the door to Borgin and Burkes, nodding at Borgin as he entered. After dropping his new occlumency and animagi books in his bag, Harry walked out of Knockturn. School would be starting later that week. 

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