Chapter 5: Knockturn Alley

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Harry was back at The Leaky Cauldron to get lunch. How people actually enjoyed coming here was a mystery to him. All Harry noticed was the dusty tables and the entrance to Diagon Alley. He walked over to the bar and waited for someone to notice him. After a minute, an old man came over.

"You los-" He began.

"I'd like an tomato salad please." He paused. "And some chicken nuggets." Chicken nuggets were the food of the gods. Dino nuggies were even better, but the wizarding world didn't appear to have them. In a addition to this, they-unfortunately-didn't really give off the calm, collected, and polite sort of thing he was going for. 

The old man at the counter smiled, seeming a bit bewildered before hurrying off to make the order.

While he was gone, Harry had plenty of time to think. He had always tried to make time that wasn't being used productive. The first thing-what was going on? He hopped off of his seat, and began looking around for anything out of the ordinary. Finally, a man with long blond hair and a little boy with short blond hair. Father and son then. But that wasn't the odd thing. It was that they were dressed so nicely and the fact that everyone was looking at them with reverence or fear. Or both, for that matter. They both walked out the back of the pub. Wonder who they were. I should ask around. Harry turned around just in time to see his food being placed down. That was fast. 

"Excuse me sir?" He asked. "Who were those people who just left? The blondes."

"Well lad, those were the Malfoys, they were. Rich pureblood family." The old man dropped his voice to a whisper. "'Pleaded imperious they did, but most people think they bribed some people to go free. Death eaters, the lot of 'em." He paused, seemingly remembering he was talking to a 5 year old. "Only rumors, though. Don't believe everything you hear." He laughed nervously before going back into the kitchens.

Harry squirted some ketchup onto his plate before quickly finishing his food. He'd have to remember to do some research on the Malfoy's. But before this, it was necessary that he went to buy some clothes. He walked back to the brick wall, pushing his magic into his eyes once more. As Harry began tapping the glowing bricks, he saw a faintly shimmering rock in the wall-not green either, but black. He refrained from completing the pattern, instead choosing to tap the other rock. The wall folded out once more, but instead of the cheery and bustling Diagon Alley, Harry was greeted with a dark and gloomy street. 

The lights were blinking, and it seemed like they might go out at any moment. There were many people on the sidewalk, selling odd things like eyeballs and pickled brains. Harry quickly put on a glamour, knowing that it would be much more dangerous here than Diagon. He needed to make a name for himself here, but not now. He just added a black cloak to his image and walked briskly through the alley, ignoring all of the hags shouting at him about buying their products.

After finally stopping, he entered a shop called Borgin and Burke's. The place was practically oozing dark magic, and he just couldn't ignore it. The inside was covered in different objects, from amulets to decks of cards. The only thing they all had in common was the fact that they were all leaking magic. There was a man behind the counter (who Harry assumed to be either Borgin or Burke) who only looked up at him before continuing what he was doing.

Harry walked around the shop, glancing at all the objects, trying to find something that wouldn't curse him. He finally grabbed a book on animagus's, a guide to pureblood family history, and a dark potions book. He had flipped through the last one and decided that it was much better than the one he picked up at the bookstore in Diagon it would be much more dangerous here than Diagon. He needed to make a name for himself here, but not now. He just added a black cloak to his image and walked briskly through the alley, ignoring all of the hags shouting at him about buying their products. 

Harry walked around the shop, glancing at all the objects, trying to find something that wouldn't curse him. He finally grabbed a book on animagus's, a guide to pureblood family history, and a dark potions book. He had flipped through the last one and decided that it was much better than the one he picked up at the bookstore in Diagon Alley. He placed down his purchases on the counter. The man looked up.

"Name?" Harry paused. 


The man-looking at his name tag - Harry realized he was Borgin- rang up the books and Harry plopped the price down on the counter before leaving. The last stop-the clothing store.

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