Chapter 2

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Nothing new 

not mine.

Annabeth's POV:

After waking up with Percy, saying goodbye to Reyna, Nico, and Hedge, and eating a small breakfast, Hazel had come up to Annabeth.

"Hey, um, can I talk to you? And maybe Piper?" Hazel asked. "Like, in private?"

Annabeth nodded, "Yeah sure, let's go to my room."

They pulled Piper along with them into her room and sat on the bed. Hazel, however, remained standing. Piper shifted around, getting comfortable. "Okay, what's up?" she asked.

Hazel's face flushed in embarrassment. "Um, I think I got my period..."

"Have you gotten it before?" Annabeth asked.

Hazel fiddled with her fingers and shook her head.

"Well congrats on being a woman, I guess," Piper said. "I'd tell you it's fun but it's not."

"You are not helping," Annabeth stated.

Piper shrugged, "Better be honest then lie."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "So, lemme guess, you need pads?"

Hazel nodded again.

"Okay," Annabeth said. "I bet we have some in the bathroom, let's go." The three of them walked down to the bathroom together. Piper and Annabeth started to rummage through the cabinets, not finding anything. Annabeth cursed. "Ten drachma that Leo didn't think to bring this stuff."

"I wouldn't be surprised, he lacks women experience." Piper stormed out of the hallways and started screaming. "LEO!"

Annabeth dragged Hazel, who's face kept getting darker, out of the bathroom and followed Piper. Leo was up on the deck, manning the ship. Piper tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Whatcha need, Beauty Queen?" he asked.

"Where's the nearest town? We need a drugstore," she answered.

Leo looked over at his map. He stared at it for a minute. "Uh, there's a town about 20 minutes away, why?"

"We need more medical supplies, we're running low," she answered. Hazel looked relieved that she didn't spill her secret. "And get us there fast."


They led Hazel back down to, this time, Piper's room. Annabeth and Piper both flopped down on Piper's bed, again, Hazel remained standing. Hazel frowned, "Do you guys just not pack those things?"

Piper laid sideways on her bed with her feet up against the wall. "Mine's so irregular that I don't keep track or try to, so I forgot to bring stuff. What about you, Annabeth?"

Annabeth's hand flew to her mouth quickly. "Shit."

"What?" Piper asked.

"I haven't taken my birth control in 2 weeks-"

"Why are you on birth control?" Piper questioned.

Annabeth leaned against the wall. "Long story. Basically the first time I ever got my period was on a quest. Mine were so bad that sometimes I could not physically stand up. So by the time I was around 14 and a half, I went on birth control that way I wouldn't have to deal with it on quests. Low and behold, here we are."

"Oh," Hazel answered. "That must be nice."

Piper smirked. "That must be very nice."

Annabeth blushed hard and shoved Piper. "Oh shut up."

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