Chapter 7

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Short I know, but it's a filler chapter. The next one is gonna be fun, promise :] And sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm gonna try to pick up the pace again. 

Nope not mine

One year later

It was June now. Percy and Annabeth had graduated from high school together and were going to college in New Rome in a few months. Nothing much happened over the course of a year. Annabeth had stayed with them for Christmas but did visit her father briefly over winter break. Dr. Chase had a lot to say about the ring on her finger, but had let it go. The only other thing was his baby sister, Estelle.

She was born in early march, healthy and adorable. It took some practice, but eventually he warmed up to her and stopped worrying if he was going to drop her.

Annabeth had taken a liking to the baby. To match it, Estelle liked Annabeth. She would hold her a lot and bottle-feed her when Sally was gone. All of which, Percy found to be sweet.

They were standing in the Jackson-Blofis apartment. They had finally convinced Sally to take a break and to go on a date with Paul. After much time, she agreed. Percy, Paul, and Annabeth were all trying to get her out the door so they wouldn't be late.

"Her bottle is in the fridge," Sally reminded.

"I know, mom," he answered.

"If she gets fussy-"

"Lay her down for a nap or just hold her, I know."

Sally smiled at him and Annabeth. "Alright then. Thank you two for watching her."

Annabeth smiled. She was currently holding Estelle. "Anytime, Sally."

Sally gave them both kisses on their foreheads and one on Estelle's cheek. "Bye, kids."

"Bye, mom."

"Have fun," Annabeth added.

Sally and Paul closed the door, leaving the three of them alone. Annabeth walked over to the couch and sat down with Estelle. Estelle didn't do much but stared up to her with amusement. Annabeth smiled back and played with her little hand.

Percy sat down next to them and leaned over to look at his baby sister, who's full attention was on Annabeth. He ran his finger across her little cheek. She looked confused at first, but didn't cry or anything.

Annabeth still smiled down at estelle, the two of them in their own little world. Percy sighed inwardly. He just knew Annabeth would be a good mother.

Estelle started to whimper and root around Annabeth's chest. She blushed, "Okay, let's get you some food."

Percy walked into the kitchen. He grabbed some of her formula out of the fridge before heating it up. Annabeth had come to join him now with Estelle. The baby was on her hip and leaning into Annabeth, looking up as if waiting for her food. Annabeth stroked her hair lightly.

The microwave beeped and he took out her bottle. He poured a small amount on his arm, testing the temperature; finding that it was just right. He took Estelle from Annabeth and held her in one arm, holding the bottle for her in the other.

Annabeth snickered at them. "What?" Percy asked.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nothing, you two are just cute."

They walked to the couch together again and sat back down. Annabeth leaned over his shoulder, staring down at Estelle.

"You excited for college in New Rome?" he asked.

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