Chapter 5

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THE PACE FOR THIS STORY IS GOING TO PICK UP! Not this chapter, but soon I will literally be skipping forward by a year. Part of this is because the time span is so long and I don't wanna write over a span of 4 years. It's gonna jump a year, then another, then stop. 


After sitting around the first fire he had been at in almost a year, Annabeth had said she was getting tired. Most people at that point had left, so he didn't think that it would hurt if they left then. Before he stood up, he leaned over into her ear. "Do you wanna ask Chiron if you can stay with me?"

Annabeth bit her lip. "I want to, but I don't think he's gonna say yes."

"Better try than not, and we both know what it's like to be caught. Now can you imagine if instead of Frank it was Travis and Connor?"

Annabeth shivered, "Absolutely not. We can go ask since you insist." He smiled and pecked her cheek. They said goodnight to the rest of their friends that were still there and set off for the Big House. Right before getting close, Annabeth stopped him. "Who's gonna ask?"

"Do you wanna do it..." he said slowly.

She shook her head. "Nope, you are doing it."

He sighed, "Fine."

Chiron was still out on the porch when they approached. The initial reunion they had with him had been very memorable and sweet. Hades he hadn't seen the Centaur in half a year. They hadn't talked to Chiron again after they had first seen him.

Chiron smiled at them warmly. "What do you need, children?"

Annabeth glanced at Percy briefly as if to say, well, go on.

He swallowed and cleared his throat. "So, um... you heard about what happened right...?"

Chiron nodded, knowing what he was referring to. "I am very impressed and surprised you two are standing in front of me. No one has ever made it through and alive except for you two."

Annabeth gave a very short smile. "Thanks."

Percy continued, "The nightmares from that place are horrible, they come every night-"

"Worse than the usual demigod nightmares," Annabeth added.

"So we were wondering if... if Annabeth could stay in my cabin..."

Chiron looked between the two of them. His expression remained blank. He closed his eyes briefly and sighed, "If I were to let you do this, then I would have to allow Drew to sleep in her boyfriend-of-the-week's cabin. I'm sorry, children, but no."

Annabeth pouted, "Please, Chiron, they're awful-"

"Terrible," Percy added, "and who said anything about Drew sleeping around?"

"It's not like you have to let her-"

"And Annabeth's not like Drew-"

"We aren't gonna do anything bad-"


"Swear by it-"

"I get it," Chiron said, stopping them. "But I cannot allow you to, I am sorry."

Percy wanted to argue, but he knew it wasn't going to go anywhere. Next to him, Annabeth looked crushed. She said, "But Chiron-"

"I said no, Annabeth," he finished. "You will stay in the Athena Cabin."

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