Chapter 17

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Hey! So I am so ready to be done writing this in all honesty. I already have an amazing plot planned out for the sequel to this so in all honesty, there is probably 3-4 more chapters of this. I regretted starting it from the 5th chapter and I think the sequel to this series is a lot more interesting.


Apparently some people don't know this but this is a prequel to a story that is already finished. If you go to my profile, the other story is "Of New Life" and was the first one I wrote so please go read that :)

All rights to Rick Riordan except for OC's

Annabeth's POV:

The next day, Percy and Annabeth decided to divide and conquer when telling their godly parents. He had left early that morning to go to Poseidon's underwater kingdom, while she went to Olympus. Annabeth was supposed to go and look at Apollo's temple anyway because he wanted another statue in the front.

That didn't take up much at all of her day. Artemis had apparently talked him out of it because he was being too arrogant hence leaving her to do nothing to the place.

That left her only other task to be telling Athena.

She was, quite honestly, ready to get it over with. However, she walked slowly to her mother's temple. Annabeth couldn't quite pinpoint which part she was nervous about, but she knew she was about something. She said a prayer to basically every other god that her mother wouldn't kill Percy.

Annabeth walked through the pillars of her mother's temple. It closely resembled that of the one that still stands on the Acropolis in Athens. She stood in the middle of the quiet marble temple, glancing around. "Mom?" she called.

Athena appeared in the entranceway, staring over at her. Her long and dark curly hair ran down her shoulders and her stormy gray eyes looked into Annabeth's. "Hello, my daughter."

Annabeth gave a small smile. "Hi."

Athena began to walk closer to her. Her face was still but Annabeth could tell she sensed something off. "How are you?"

"I am well," Annabeth answered smoothly. Her voice, however, dropped a bit when she said "I have something to tell you."

"I know you do. Go on."

Annabeth had come to find out recently that it wasn't easy to lay this kind of information down the right way. "I'm pregnant."

Athena blinked in surprise. Her face remained mostly blank except for her eyes, which were unreadable. Her jaw hinged, "Are you now?"

She swallowed and nodded.

Athena stared at the floor for a second, crossing her arms. When she looked up, she asked, "And is Percy still with you?"

Annabeth was taken aback by this. "Well... yeah. He's with his father right now."

"So he hasn't run off yet?"

Annabeth did a double take. "No, why would he?"

Athena scoffed, "Please, Annabeth, we both knew this marriage of yours wouldn't last."

Annabeth could barely find her voice. "I- but Percy loves me. And, he's excited about the baby."

"You are too young for this!" She huffed. "You are 20 years old and don't even have a stable life. Your 'husband' doesn't have one either and is too supid to get one. You cannot afford to have a child! With your history that thing will most likely die before it's first birthday!"

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