Chapter 19

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Guys I started writing the sequel ahhhhhh. Please give me title ideas because my creativity level with titles is at an ultimate low lmao. 

Also, I didn't realize this til now but I physically can't write anything but tragedy is that bad-

Now please enjoy ;)

Cover by windbyfire and characters to rick

Annabeth's POV:

Their first mistake was not making a formal announcement to camp.

Percy and Annabeth had just decided to tell their closest friends and family about the baby, and everyone else could figure it out on their own. This, however, was more of an issue than they thought it would be. Some who were told didn't tell others thinking it wasn't their place to share, others thought it was just a rumor, others didn't care, and the rest thought it was cute. More people were convinced after realizing that Annabeth spent more time away from people in the Poseidon cabin sick and stopped training.

The other issue: Camp Jupiter.

It was encouraged and common for Greeks and Romans to travel back and forth from camps. The Greeks who were away though, didn't hear about this information. As more came back considering it was now summertime, this news came back around.

After two months, Annabeth's violent morning sickness had died down. She went outside more and went to meals more often. Considering she was now 4 months along, her baby bump had progressed. Anyone who didn't know her might assume or guess she was pregnant, and anyone who knew her would know. It wasn't huge yet, but it was noticeable.

Percy had run around camp a lot recently, helping many new campers and doing overall work and favors. He lacked sleep so that morning, he had slept in while Annabeth went to breakfast.

She went to sit with her siblings considering she didn't have Percy to sit with at the Poseidon table. As she walked past the Hermes table, some guy on the end who looked to be about 17 muttered something and looked at her. She simply ignored him and went on to say hello to her siblings.

She saved herself a spot at the table before going to get herself some food. When she walked past the Hermes table again, the guy on the end muttered something about her body that she did not appreciate. Some of the Hermes kids must've heard it too because they gasped. She did as she was known for when people overstepped the line with her, she slapped him.

Many of the Hermes kids laughed at him, considering he deserved it. Connor was about to say something to her, so she directed her eyes to look at him.

That was her second mistake.

The second she looked up at Connor, away from the boy she slapped, he punched her in the gut.

She doubled over, not from physical pain, but in fear he may have harmed her baby. Many people around them gasped and stood up or yelled at the guy, who seemed slightly confused. Will shot up from the Apollo table and ran over to her, as did Malcolm. Travis pulled his half brother back away from to her, making sure he wouldn't do anything else.

"It was only fair!" he argued. "She hit me anyway! All I said was that she looked bigger recently."

"You absolute dumbass," Connor said.

"She's pregnant!" Travis yelled.

A look of pure terror ran over the guy's face. His face told her he was apologetic. "Oh gods," he muttered.

Meanwhile, many people moved closer to her, either intrigued or just trying to help. But there were only two people she wanted to see at the moment: Percy and Will.

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