Chapter 6

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Short one, sorry. The next few are going to be time skip chapters, so kind of like one shots to fill in for the time skips. There are only gonna be one or two though. Then we get into the whole marriage/luke/silena thing. 


Not mine.


Roughly one month of a time skip

Annabeth walked hand in hand with Percy down the streets of New York. It was their first day of school at Goode. Percy had gone there previously, but it was the start of their senior year. It wasn't far from the Jackson-Blofis apartment, so they walked.

Annabeth had been staying with them since the emotion-filled reunion with Sally. Sally, of course, was perfectly fine with Annabeth staying. Annabeth felt weird about it at first, but eventually it became normal-feeling. She did share a bed with Percy, though Sally was fine with it.

Only thing was that they had figured out Sally was pregnant. Percy was more than thrilled at this, and Annabeth was excited for them. After the baby came though, Annabeth planned to move out. She didn't want to be a disturbance to them while they had a newborn with them.

After about a five minute walk in silence, Percy spoke. "I will warn you in advance, there are some pretty nasty people there. A lot of them are nice, many are my friends. Just... letting you know."

"Oh," Annabeth said, "okay."

Percy squeezed her hand. "Don't worry about it though."

Annabeth nodded. They didn't say anything else the rest of the way there. Percy opened the door for her and together they walked in.

It overwhelmed her at first. Annabeth had never gone to a public school before. Already, a lot of people stared at her. They looked between her and Percy as if surveying them.

A lot of people said hi to Percy. Annabeth didn't expect him to be so popular. Sure he had it all, the looks, the smile, the sweetness, athletic, not the grades but everything else. The amount of girls that stared and giggled when he walked past made her jealous.

Percy and Annabeth's lockers were right next to each other, which was nice. On the left side of Percy, a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes came up to him. He wore a maroon T-shirt with jeans and was chewing gum at quite an obnoxious volume. He clapped Percy on the back. "Hey, Jackson. Haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?"

Percy faced him and smiled. They man-hugged first. "Hey, Carter. I've been... I've been around."

Carter stared at him with a blank face. "What do you mean by 'around'?"

"Just busy," Percy shrugged.

"Mhm," Cater said. His eyes turned to Annabeth, looking her up and down. "So you do have a girlfriend?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "I told you I did." Percy pulled Annabeth a little closer to him. "This is Annabeth."

Carter smiled and shook her hand. "I've heard plenty about you, didn't think you were real."

Annabeth frowned, "Why wouldn't I be real?"

"Oh, just a lot of people thought that Percy here said he had a girlfriend so he wouldn't have to say yes to all the girls that asked him out here, but never really had a girlfriend. Basically everyone thought you were a myth," Carter answered.

Annabeth stared at Percy, whose face was a dark shade of red. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yup," Percy said.

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